Chapter 8

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AN: Why have I been gone so long? Hmm, let's see. I started my own original story, got stressed out, online school started, I got a new kitten unintensionally and then went back to school on campus. I am sooo sorry. Gods, I can't even apologise enough. Thanks for the votes and reviews. Now for the chapter.


I awoke first, finding that the sun still hadn't reappeared. I looked down, finding Blitz asleep, curled to my side, head on my chest. He looked peaceful, smiling gently. I wondered what he was dreaming about. Hopefully something amazing.

I wished he'd like me back, though even if he did like me would he want to be with something like me. Deaf and someone who got anxiety and panic attacks. An elf. He'd never want to be with an elf. Why would he?

Hey Buddy, what are you thinking?' I shook my head, bringing myself from my thoughts.

Just the kid.' Like I would tell him about my crush?

The kid was not an easy one to find. Sure we had a discription but that didn't mean much. We looked through all the homeless shelters we could locate, finding no sign and him. We looked in alleys, abandoned buildings and every other thing we could guess a homeless child would hide. It wasn't until we looked under one particular bridge that we had any luck.

There, passed out cold was a blonde-haired kid, thin and covered in a tattered sleeping bag but nevertheless alive. This had to be him. And if it wasn't... This kid was also a demigod, that was evident.

I turned to Blitz who was covered in a trench coat, gloves and a sun hat.

Him?' Blitz shrugged, I don't know Hearth, I don't know.' So, apprehensively Blitz tapped the kid with his shoe. What he hadn't expected I suppose was to get punched for his efforts. That's exactly what happened though.

Blitz fell back in shock but I steadied him and sent a frown  in the kid's direction. No one, I mean no one kicks my best friend.

"Who the hell are you?" I let Blitz go and he speaks, signing as he goes.

"I am Blitz, this is Hearth. We just... Here to mentor  you on street life I  guess. Like Hearth is deaf, so educating you on sign language might be good to. What's your name?" Fuck, when Blitz was nervous he could talk a lot. The kid paused, taking everything in before speaking. He semothered to choose his words carefully, caution flowing off of him in waves.

"I'm Magnus and it's nice to meet you... Thanks for offering to help, I don't need it though." Both Blitz and I shrugged and Blitz said, "We'll help you anyway." I waved and gave Magnus a small, barely there smile. He smiled and waved in return.

AN: Sorry this took so dang long. Question: Have any of you guys read the Simon Verse series, watched Love Simon or watched the new TV show Love, Victor? Hope everyone is staying safe, bye.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2020 ⏰

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