Chapter 3

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  Since I'd worked my butt off creating the tanning bed I didn't even make it to my bedroom to sleep. I ended up crashing facefirst onto my couch and passing out. I dreamed of a future where I would have a shop, Blitzen's Best and would have people to support me, a new family.
  I awoke to loud banging noises and foggily wondering what the Helheim was going on before remembering. I stood, rubbing the sleep from my eyes and rushing as quickly as I could toward the closed tanning bed. I turned off the lights and opened the lid, reaching out a hand to help the much healthier looking elf up.
  "Hey buddy, you look lots better." I said, but the elf ignored me. He was glancing around the part of my apartment he could see from the tanning bed and completely ignoring my outstretched hand and my words. I tried to get his attention again.
  "Hey kid? Buddy." I mean he had to be around my age of 17, almost 18 so I could call him kid right? I waited for a reaction but the elf continued to not respond, still staring around. Carefully, I reached out and tapped the elf's shoulder. He turned so fast I was worried he would crack his neck. He looked tense but he was now looking at me.
  "You okay?" I asked. He made a few gestures with his hands and the look of confusion on my face made his shoulders slump. He pointed to his ears and shook his head.
  "Are you deaf?" I wondered. He nodded.
  "You can read lips. I stated this, seeing he'd been answering to all my previous questions. He nodded anyway.
  "Be right back Buddy." I rushed into my room, grabbing a notepad and pencil from my side table before rushing back to where the elf still sat in the tanning bed. I almost smacked my forehead, I hadn't introduced myself and hadn't offered for him to move into the living room.
  "Would you like to move into the living room. Also i'm Blitzen, what's your name?" I asked, handing him the notepad as I spoke. I am Hearthstone, and that would be nice thank you.' I nodded and after helping Hearthstone out of the tanning bed I led him to my living room, not bothering to introduce my couch, not wanting to be laughed at. It had been created by my father and he always gave his furniture weird but very funny names.
  "Look, I know this may seem a bit sudden'" I said as I sat across from Hearthstone on my recliner so he could read my lips. "But when you're up to it, would you mind teaching me sign language. I don't want you to have to write everything you want to say. That seems rude."
  Hearthstone looked as though somebody had just told him he would be Odin's apprentice... Totally and utterly shocked. His hand shook as he wrote.
  You would want to learn sign language? Why?' I looked him dead in the eye when I spoke next.
  "Because I want to get to know you Hearthstone. That and I really don't want you to have to write whenever you want to say anything." This seemed to shock him though he hid it well, the only reason I knew was because of his eyes. Then he wrote one word that changed my life forever. Okay.'
  AN: Hey guys. I'm going to try and update once or twice a week but I won't make any promise. I myself am trying to learn ASL and online school. Also is my format okay? I might try something different next chapter. And yes, it will keep switching between Blitz and Hearth. Also I'm on at marauder wolfie, but I don't have any stories. I will hopefully be getting an Archive of Our Own, but I am still waiting. I am going to go now. I hope someone actually reads my story. Bye. Blitzstone101

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