Chapter 1

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"Come down stairs, now." my mom says. I toss my phone on my bed thinking its that, that's what it is. I open my bedroom door and slowly walk down the stairs. "Yeah?" I ask my mom. "Go sit at the table, I need to tell you something kind of important." I walk into the dinning room and sit at the table, "yes?" I ask. She takes a deep breath and looks me in the eye. "Oh my god mom..." she stared, "what?!" She asked, "Are you pregnant??"
"WHAT!?! NO!!.... Honey. I got a new job." She said sitting back down. "Mom that's great."
"There's one down side..."
"What is it?"
"We have to... move out of state. I'm so sorry." she said teary eyed. I looked at her for a moment then ran off to my room. I laid down on my bed and started crying into my pillow. I heard a knock on my door, I knew it was my mom, "Go away!" I said and covered my head. "I was just bringing boxes, we leave in a week."

Clothes after clothes, I threw them all in the box and taped them one, by one. I got down to a weeks worth of clothes and left them out. I packed up the things I wouldn't be using till then, like my instruments, boots, all shoes except one pair, and more. Everything was empty, in boxes stacked against the wall. I looked at my phone and saw my lock screen, a picture of my best friend and I. I couldn't leave her, it was impossible. Could she come with me? I need to tell her I can't just up and leave then tell her. Staring at the screen I slowly pushed the call button. It only rung a couple times before she picked up, "Hey, what's up." I turn my laptop towards the boxes. "No, what.... Ok ok. where?" I look up at the ceiling, "I think she said we are moving to... Ok she didn't tell me I'll text her." I text my mom and asked and talked to Maddie. After a few minutes pass mom texts me back. "Madison." I said unlocking my phone "Yass?"
"She said we are moving to California...."
"THAT'S SOOO FAR!" Madison said complaining. "I know, hey, at least it's our senior year and after that you can visit and stuff." I said shrugging my shoulders, "Yeah I guess." she said looking disappointed. "Hey I gotta go ok?" She nodded her head, "Goodnight FrenchFry." "Goodnight CheeseStick." I shut my laptop and rolled over for bed.

A week had passed by and we were getting ready to move. As I said goodbye to my house my neighbor came outside. "I'm gonna miss you shorty," says Jeff. Jeff was my best guy friend and quite a cutie. "Same, moms waiting, I'll text you ok?" He nodded and hugged me bye. I got in the car and put my headphones in for this god awful drive that was about 38 to 39 hours. 8 hours pass and my mom awakes me, "Skyler can you drive for a few hours? You can wake me up when you feel tired ok?" I nod and she pulls over. We switch seats and I buckle up. Getting out on the road my mom was asleep instantly. 2 hours pass and I'm hungry, I get off at an exit and pull into a McDonalds for food because it's what I want. Quickly getting back on the high way and finish eating my food. I honestly can't wait to get to Cali, honestly this feels like a summer vacation more than anything. I know we are 3 blocks from a public beach which is awesome! Ok maybe not my house but the neighborhood is, the neighborhood is suposed to be small, only about 6 blocks of houses. I may or may not have done some research before we left, on the house, neighborhood and all. I look at the time and 4 more hours had passed, "Mom, wake up. It's your turn to drive, we've been on the road for about 14 hours now."

4 more hours pass on this long car ride, 22 hours. 16 hours to go was not very pleasent, at least it was more than half way over. I hated being on this road, I would ask my mom if I could walk a mile of it but then how would she find me? What if there's an exit she was supposed to get off at and I missed? What if I get kidnapped? I'm better off in the car. I had fallen asleep again because when I woke up 4 more hours had gone by. 10 More hours, 10. 10 more stupid hours in this god damn car. Can we please get there now. It was now my turn to drive, great. The last thing I wanted to do was drive again, I hate driving unless it's somewhere I want to go. I do and don't want to go to Cali. It's very complicated to explain.

"Skyler honey we're 20 minutes from our new house." my mom says waking me up. I open my eyes and look around, it was beautiful, palm trees, city lights. it was only 2:45am. I couldn't wait to see my new house. 4 bedrooms, 3 baths. It was a big house, 1 bedroom would become an office, and another would become Madisons bedroom when she moves here after her senior year. Or maybe she'll be here for her senior year. We pulled up into our driveway and to our new house for the night. We didn't take a single box in the house, we just walked in and fell on the couches where we slept for the night.

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