Chapter 7

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I sadly have to pack my bags and stay in a hotel with Kalin and Myles. It was the home show but they needed us closer to the place it was being held. Myles gave me 4 tickets to invite who ever I wanted. I didn't hesitate to give Madison 2 and Brennen 2, one for Brennens sister and one for him. One for Madison and one for Cameron. I packed my clothes in my backpack for the next 2 days, this was really stupid. I threw my bag over my shoulder and went down stairs to the kitchen. "Hey." Madison says as she makes pancakes. "Morning." I say as she hands me a plate. "You ready? For tonight?" She asked me. I shook my head no since I had food in my mouth. "What are you singing tonight?" She said standing at the island across from me. "I'm playing 2 songs by 5sos. I'm doing Rude by Magic. I'm gonna play.... you know what it's a surprise." I say smiling as I hear a car horn outside. "That's Myles, gotta go." I say slipping on my shoes and leaving.

I walk into the hotel room and plop on the bed, "Don't get comfy. We have the V.I.P. pre-show tonight. We gotta practice." I groaned and stood up. I walked over to where I put my guitar and I grabbed it. "You got the group and the piano right?" I asked them as we started to leave. "Yeah. Remember it's private, there will be at least 20 people. It's more about interacting with the fans than preforming." I nodded as we walked out of the room. "Cab!" Kalin yelled. One stopped in front of us and we put our stuff in the trunk and took off.

"Ok, ok!" I said laughing with my fans. "How about I preform something?" They all screamed as Kalin and Myles sat on stools next to me. I started the tune to Kiss me Kiss me by 5sos. I love them so much and I wish I could preform their whole album. "One more?" A fan asked me. Another spoke up, "Can you do Show You by Shawn Mendes?" I smiled at her and re positioned my guitar. I had always been a fan of Shawn's no doubt. I strum down and began to sing "You can't walk these streets at night. Your way to short to get on this ride. No I'm not, no I'm not." I stood up and walked around a bit, "Guess I gotta show you." I finished and all the girls stared at me in awe as the guys stared at me like "Be my girlfriend." I set my guitar down next to me as Kalin and Myles did what they did.

I walked into my room and plopped on the bed. I was ready for tomorrow, but more ready for a long sleep which was what I was ready for.

I woke up and looked around the room. Today was the concert. I got up and checked my phone and realized I had an hour before I had to go to the place again. I ran to my bag and grabbed a navy blue tanktop, a jean jacket with the sleeves rolled half way up and a pair of jeans. I ran to the bathroom and quickly straightened my long brown hair. I put mascara and eyeliner on my baby blue eyes. I ran back to my bag and grabbed my anchor scarf and put it on. I looked at the time again, "Shit." I put my shoes on and ran across the hall to Kalin and Myles room. "WAKE UP!" I yelled. Kalin fell off the bed and Myles shot up. Myles grabbed his phone to check the time, "Shit." he said running to the bathroom behind Kalin. Kalin was first to come out, he grabbed his snapback and sat back on the bed, "Ready." he said. "Myles lets go!" I holler into the bathroom. He came running out and started to put his shoes on, "Sorry, I was doing my hair." I rolled my eyes and we all left to go get a cab.

As we rode in the cab on our way to the place, I felt a hand lightly rest on mine. I looked left to where Myles was sitting, I grabbed his hand and smiled lightly. I'm actually really nervous for tonight, but really excited. I've never sang in front of more than 20 people. As we pulled up to the place I waited for Kalin to get out. When I got out I didn't hesitate to keep holding Myles hand even though fans were taking pictures of us. As we got inside Myles pulled me up on stage. He grabbed both of my hands and looked me in my eyes. "So, Skyler. I've liked you since that first date we've been on. I realize we've been on 3 and that's probably not enough. And I understand we've only known each other just over a week so if your like not rea-"
"Get on with it Parrish" I say smiling at him as I squeeze his hands letting know to continue. "I was wondering if you'd be my girlfriend?" I instantly dropped his hands and turned around and started walking away. I hear him curse under his breath, I thought to myself mission accomplished as I turned around. "Yes, I'll be your girlfriend." I say to him as I turn back around and walk back off the stage to go get my guitar.

I positioned my guitar for the practice show, I used a mic because I needed to know how it sounded. I started off with Good Girls by 5sos. Then Amnesia by 5sos, then Rude by Magic!, then Don't Stop Believing. I call that song the best friend song, if my best friend doesn't sing this I might have to personally jump off of the stage and beat the crap out of her. But I love her too much to do that, so I think I'll keep that to myself. I finished what I was doing and talked for a few minutes about my youtube channel and how I was thanking Brennen for it. I got off stage so Kalin and Myles could practice their stuff. I sat in the chairs I thought I could see them the clearest and they were doing awesome. I felt like I was getting some kind of private show.

I walked on stage while it was dark, I sat down and gave them the thumbs up. I heard a bunch of people scream as the lights came on. I've only posted one video, I can't possibly have so many fans. I looked around in the first row for my friends and I found them, I smiled and waved to them. "Hey guys!" I say into the mic. Everyone says hi back, "How are you guys doing tonight?" I ask the small crowd of about 400 people. "Good!" everyone responded. "Are you guys ready for Kalin and Myles?" I ask the crowd, they all screamed joyfully. "Ok, ok. Well I have to preform first guys. I mean thats what the opening act does right?" evryone screamed again. I started playing Good Girls and it was going better than I thought. "'Cause good girls are bad girls and good girls are bad girls!" I sang into my mic as some fans of 5sos sang along. The song came to the end and I looked at Bren. Why? I don't know. "Turn your phone flash on and sing along if you know the lyrics." I said as I started to play Amnesia. "I remember the day you told me you were leavin'. I remember the make up running down your face." I continued to sing as that song eventually came to an end.

"Ok, now if you have your best friends with you tonight, I suggest you get ready to sing along with them." I say as I look at Madison. "My best friend is in the crowd, I would honestly like her to come up here and sing with me, now she doesn't have to have a mic." Two guards pulled her up on stage and she walked up to me for us to share a mic. I started thew song and her eyes got wide. We sang our hearts out, we sang normal trying not to get out of hand with it, "He took the midnight train going anywhere." We sang together. We almost yelled the chorus like we would at a school dance but we kept it in. "Don't stop, believin' oh, oh, oh woah." We hugged each other at the end of the song as we walked off stage together. The guards let me join Madison in the front row to watch Kalin and Myles preform.

I was beyond ready for bed. Kalin ad Myles decided to switch me rooms so Madison, Cameron, and Bren could stay the night with me. I plopped on the bed next to Brennen and passed out. Myles didn't have a problem with Bren because he was like my best friend, which was actually pretty cool.

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