Chapter 2

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I woke up to an arm around my waist and someone's breath, breathing steadily and lightly on the back of my neck. I roll over and see Brennen cuddled into the back of me. I cuddle into him, I mean fans never really get a chance to do that right? Or have the chance to be his neighbor. I didn't wanna wake him up, it was only like 11:30. We were up late having the weirdest conversations. The last time I remember looking at the time it was 3:40am. I didn't cuddle for long time. I got up and grabbed some clothes. I walked into my bathroom and put my clothes on the sink. I didn't really feel like going anywhere today. I shrugged and left back to the bed where Brennen was laying. He was so cute when he slept. As soon as I got comfy he cuddled back into me and I fell back asleep.

I woke up about 20 minutes later really having to go to the bathroom. I was about to sit up when I was pulled back down. "Babe stay this time, please." he mumbles and starts snoring again. What the hell was he dreaming about? Miley Cyrus? I looked at him and put my hand on his face and caressed his cheek with my thumb, "Hey idiot," I whisper, "I have to pee, would you rather me pee on you?" I instantly get pushed off the bed. "BREN!" I yelled when I hit the floor. He jumped up from his sleep and looked at me, "Are you ok?" He asks looking at me. "You pushed me off idiot." his eyes widened. "I am so sorry, are you hurt?" He says looking at my elbow that busted open when I hit the ground. He picked me up wedding style and carried me to the bathroom. He's stayed 3 times this week, THIS WEEK!! He stayed twice last week and him pushing me off was a first.

"All better." he says throwing away the trash to the bandaid. "come here." he said and he carried me like a toddler to the living room. "Netflix?" He asked as he set me on the couch. "Yeah." I mumble as I continue to look at his arms as his veins were popping out from carrying me. He has really nice arms and he's really strong. I wanna see the rest of him! Well not like all of him, no. Just what's under his shirt. I turn on the TV while he goes to get snacks. "Is your mom at work?" He asks, "Yeah why?" I ask turning to see him in the kitchen. "Well I was wondering, since your elbow isn't that bad, if you wanted to go swimming at my house?" I jump up and run upstairs "Hell yeah!!!" I've only been to his house once and that was because he had to make a video for youtube. It was about his relationships with social media, it was really weird. But it was also cute. We were there for about an hour then we left and walked around. We spent most of our time going places I've never been, like new coffee shops, pizza places. And all that fun stuff.

"Ready!" I yell coming down the stairs in a really pretty maroon bathing suit with black bottoms. He dropped the bag of chips at the sight of me and instantly picked them up. "I'm so sorry." he says rolling up the chips and putting them away. "No it's cool." I say grabbing a change of clothes from the laundry basket in my living room. "Ready?" I ask him and he nods. We walk across the street and into his house. He opens the door and starts heading for the stairs, "Gotta change. You can go out back if you want. Help yourself, mi casa, su casa." he smiles and runs up the stairs. I walk to the kitchen and open the fridge, I spot a whole new pack of cocoa-cola, "Bren!" I yell, "Can I have a Coke?" I here nothing, "Yeah I don't care." he yells back. I grab one and walk out the back door, Cali weather was indeed nice. I put my feet in the pool and look down into the water. I thought I heard the door open and before I could do anything I get tackled into the pool. I come up and look around to see where Bren went. All of a sudden I feel him grab around my legs and he picks me up. "Hey bestie!" He said looking up at me. "Hi idiot!" I say ruffling his wet hair.

I just came up from doing a flip off the diving board. I hear my phone start ringing, "Hold on its probably my mom." I say jumping out and grabbing my phone. Madison? I have a lifeproof case so I help my self in sitting by the pool with Brennen's stupid self. "Hello?" I say into the phone. "Where the hell are you?" Madison yells. "I'm at my neighbors house swimming. Did you try Skyping me or something?"
"No. Have fun, are you at Brennen's?"
"Ok call me when your done. bye." she hung up. I tossed my phone back on the towel and jumped back in. "Hey." Brennen says getting out. He grabs my phone and opens the camera, "Under water selfies is a must." he jumps in with my phone and that's what we do, take pictures.

It's been almost 2 hours now and we were having so much fun. I hear his back gate open as we're playing color. (incase you don't know that game, you usually play with 3 people. 2 people dunk you while they discuss a color. They bring you up and when you get it wrong you get dunked. When you get it right they flip you back wards.) I come up and Brennen is staring towards the gate. "Can I help you ma'am?" He says. I look over to see Madison. I jump out of his arms and get out. I wrap the towel around me and hug her. "Oh my god. You could've told me you were coming."
"Yeah your mom didn't have work. She picked me up from the airport, when I called I was at your house. I thought I'd let you guys hang out before I came over to see you." she smiled at me and Bren. "Bren?" I look at him. "Yeah?"
"Are you staying the night again?"
"Yeah, I guess. I'll be over in.... I'll text you." I nod and grab my stuff. "I miss you!" I tell Madison as we walk back to my house hand in hand. I opened the door and walked Madison to her room, "Uh, make your bed. I'm gonna grab a shower and text Brennen ok? I'll be back." She smiles and picks up her sheets.

I pull my hair back into a very messy bun. I grab my phone and text Brennen, 'Hey doll face (; I'm ready for you to come over. Bon fire? Xx' I put my hoodie on and my phone goes off. I pick it up, Bren. 'Heck yeah! Doll face? And can I bring some one so Madison doesn't feel lonely? xx' I laugh a bit.
To: Bren (;
'Yeah I guess you can bring someone. xx'
From: Bren (;
'Ok, cool. Let me call him then we will be right over. xx'
I put my phone in my pocket and I walk down the hall to Maddies room. "Hey, Brennen is coming over for a bon fire. He's bringing you over a guy friend. You up for it?" She smiles at me and nods. "I'm always up for the stuff you are." she says walking over to her suitcase and grabbing a hoodie. Believe it or not when it turns dark, it gets hella cold here in Cali. I walk out back with my favorite fuzzy blanket and got out the benches. These benches are like the camping chairs that fold up, but they hold 2 people.

Brennen comes in my house with a rather good looking guy. "Who is this?"
"This is Cameron, you said he could come remember?"
"I remember I was just asking. Cameron if you wanna go through the room over there and go out back with Madison that's cool with me." I smile at him and send him outside to where Madison is. "Hey." Bren says hugging me. "Hi." I say hugging him back. "I'm hungry." I tell him. "Well I ordered 2 boxes of pizza do you wanna come with me to pick it up?" I nod my head. Madison had my number just incase this Cameron guy isn't what we think. I'm gonna trust him even though I don't know him. "Madison we'll be back. Bren says we can trust this guy." i smile at her and walk to the front door. "I'm driving." Brennen says pulling his car keys out of his pocket. "I am ok with that." I run across the street to his car and get in. He starts it and we drive to the pizza place listening to the radio.

I walk in by myself to get the pizzas. I see a guy my age in front of me. "Hey." I say getting his attention. "Hey! I'm Myles. You?"
"Skyler, wait. Aren't you that rapper? And you sing with Kalin. and Jake." he smiles back. "indeed that is me. Here's my number. Call me sometime." he winks at me and grabs his pizza and walks out. Woah. I was really starting to make friends. Besides Brennen and Madison I met 2 today. "Brennen Taylor?" I hear the guy say. "That would be me." I give him the money and I grab the pizza and leave.

I walk back into the house and text Myles, 'Hey, its Skyler. From the pizza shop.' a few minutes later my phone beeps. It's Myles. That was awfully quick. 'Hey cutie (;' I smile at that text. "What are you smiling about?" Brennen asks putting a pepperoni in his mouth. "Oh nothing. Just texting someone." I say looking down at my phone. "Who?" He asks closing the box. "It's no one. Don't worry about it. Ok?" He nodded and went outside.

It's getting late and my phone starts ringing. Myles. "Hello?" I answer. "Hey cutie. Can I ask you something?"
"Yeah, yeah."
"What are you doing tomorrow night?" I look over at Brennen and Madison, and Cameron. "Nothing. Why?"
"I was wondering if you wanted to go catch a movie or something."
"Yeah I'd like to. Hey I gotta go. Bye." I hung up and walk back over to Bren.

"You've been smiley for the past 5 minutes. What's up?" Madison says looking at me. "Ok, fine. Myles Parrish just asked me out on a date."
"What did you say?" I hear the excitement in Madison's voice. "I said yes!" I said giving her a big smile. "Well I should be going, getting kind of tired. I'll see you tomorrow." Bren says getting up and waving bye. "Come on Cam!" He yells. Cameron follows him. "Don't get me wrong Skyler, but I think your friend Brennen might be jealous." Madison says smiling, "He's a cutie, I want to actually meet Myles, ok?" I nod my head and put the fire out. "Lets go to bed."

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