Chapter 5- Heartbreak and Best Friends

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Daisy ran through the front door of her tiny flat. She knew her brothers would come back for her soon. She had planned it out in her head a million times when she was "growing" up. She knew what she was going to pack, what she would tell people, she also had been saving money for 150 years... so she had saved alot.

"Daisy? Is that you?" spoke a deep male voice.

Daisy sighed and turned towards the lounge were, sprawled across the sofa layed Tyler, her best friend, blood brother, protecter. How was she going to leave him behind.

"Ya Tyler. Its me. Erm listen I have to go away for a while. Just well yanoe..." Daisy trailed off.

Tyler was staring at her. Oh course he knew she was lying. They could read each other like a book. She knew right now that her face was a colouring book and Tyler was reading it.

"Okay Daiz, lets try this again. The truth this time." warned Tyler. He rolled off the sofa, took hold of Daisy's arms and stared at her until she gave in/

"Eurgh okay. Ty do you remember I mentioned those two boys, Damon and Stefan, my brothers? Well I ran into Damon today and basically theres family drama. Stefan was kidnapped and Damon and Stefan's girlfriend who is a doppleganger for Katherina Petrova! and are going into the Dark Dimension to save Stefan... and Im going with them to save him!" Daisy blurted the last bit out in a rush afraid of Tylers reaction.

"Of course you are. I wouldnt expect anything less of you Daisy Salvatore. Oh and Im coming with you Daiz. You know for protcetion and all that. You will be safe with me. Big strong vampire dude. Haha and I get to meet your big brothers at last." the tone Tyler used made sure to Daisy that there was no room to argue.

"huuh yeah I guess so. I should of guessed that you would of said that." smiled Daisy sadly.

"Come on then little one. Lets go! Dark Dimention wont know whats hit them when Tyler Mitchell and Daisy Salvatore rock up haha!" laughed Daisy. Tyler always made her laugh when she really didnt want to.

Within the next 10 minutes Tyler and Daisy rolled up at the meeting point, in Tylers car and looked around.

"Erm his cars gone. I will go check inside. Wont be a sec." with that Daisy hopped out the car and ran into the diner. When she got there she stopped dead in her tracks. There was no sign of Damon or Elena. She turned to a man who was sitting on a bar stool. He had been there when Daisy, Damon and Elena were there.

"Erm excuse me do you know where the tall dark haired guy in a leather jacket who was with the pretty blonde girl with blue eyes? Im sure you must remember her!" spoke Daisy frantically, not wanting to know the truth.

"Sorry little lady, they ran out about 20 minutes ago. He pratically dragged her out of here." drawled the middle aged man.

"Oh okay thanks." spoke Daisy trying to keep the hysteria out of her voice. She stumbled out the door and fell on the ground sobbing her heart out. He had done it again. Left her, abadoned her again. She couldnt deal with it. She was so caught up in her grief she hardly noticed Tyler picking her up and placing her in the car. Then he just held her until her sobbing stopped.

Daisy knew one thing for sure. They werent going to get away from her this time. She was going to find them. And make Damon pay for leaving her again.

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