Lunchbox Friends

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Deku POV

Pushing through the thick crowd of students, I look down at my schedule. Language Arts. An easy subject, not too complicated, but can be complicated at times. Arriving at the class number I see our teacher writing some information on the board. I glance at him in major confusion though. Staring at him as I walk in, he turns around and greets me. He also congratulated me for being in so early, since everyone else was probably fooling around in homeroom. I smiled and said thank you. Then it hit me.

He's our principal! "Um, Mr. Todoroki?". He turned away from the chalkboard to face me. " Yes, Mr. Midoriya?" I say in a confused and unsure tone, "Aren't you our principal? Why are you in Language Arts?"

He chuckles and states that he couldn't find a teacher for Language Arts this year since the former teacher retired. So basically he took their place. I replied with a usual "oh okay" and went back to pulling out so books from my bag.

As the day passes by, I start to think about the teacher I met this morning. He actually kind of looked really good...wait what the hell! Izuku you are not going to think about this now! Jesus!

Nobody's pov

The bell started to ring throughout the school and students started packing up for the next class and some other students started to head to lunch. Izuku was one of these students. He speed-walked through students, spewing out "sorry" and "excuse me" all the way to the cafeteria.

When he arrived, he saw a good amount of people there but not enough to crowd like the hallways. He looked around for a split second looking for the usual friend group that he met last year. He furrowed his eyebrows as he looked around for them. Then he felt a hand on his shoulder causing him to jump a bit.

It was one of the popular seniors. He had spiked up red hair and wore a huge but friendly smile. "What's up, dude! Do you wanna come to sit with us?" Izuku then looked at the table the redhead was gesturing over at and nodded his head with a slight smile.

Following them and then eventually sitting down at the table. He sat there poking at his food hearing a bit of the conversation that the group was having. he felt his heart sink a bit feeling left out and lonely. All they were talking about were parties and gossip. He noticed the redhead, named Kirishima but prefers to be called Kiri, staring at him. he had his cheeks brushed with a red tint of blush when he got caught staring and shined a nervous smile.

Izuku then stood up saying his goodbyes to the group and then looking for another seat to occupy. He then spotted Iida and Uraraka waving at him. He smiled and walked over to them. They hugged and conversed for the rest of the period.

After lunch, Izuku said his goodbyes to his good friends. He then looked down at his schedule to the last 2 periods he had to endure for the next 2 hours. The second to last period dashing through time and eventually led to Izuku walking to math class.

A spark of realization rush through his mind. Math. His math teacher was that new teacher. He let out a worried sigh and walked in early to see his teacher sitting at his desk writing something.

Izuku's footsteps caused his teacher's head to shoot up. the two pairs of pretty eyes shared a gaze mixed with emerald greens and fiery reds...

I don't want no lunchbox friends, no
I want someone who understands, oh, oh, no
Come to my house, let's die together
Friendship that would last forever, no

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