Wheels on the Bus

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Deku's POV

RING!!! RING!!!! RING!!!!

Jesus Christ! I groggily sit up in my bed. This results in me immediately slumping back down along with my head hitting the headboard of my bed. Did I mention that I was clumsy? Groaning in pain and also covering my eyes from the blinding sun. Mom probably opened the blinds, mom you're so sweet yet so cruel.

Anyways, My name is Izuku Midoriya, or commonly known as Izu. It's my first day of sophomore year. Hurray! I mean I am a nerd, but that doesn't totally mean I enjoy all of the aspects of the school. You can say that I'm a two-faced teacher's pet.

But I don't remind the teacher of any assignments or point out any bad thing that any of my classmates do. You can say I'm the cool teacher's pet who isn't flirting with the teacher, but is quietly observing the lessons that are absolutely pointless.

As I walk to my closet to find something to wear, my mom comes in to see if I was awake. I mentally ask myself " why is she awake at this time, like every frickin morning?". I look over at her and she says "Breakfast will be finished in a few sweetie, hurry before it gets cold." I thank her and give her a kiss on the cheek as my appreciation.

I finally pick out my clothes and hop in the shower.


I walk downstairs to be met with the sweet aroma of pancakes. Oh, how much do I love you, mom? I sit down and stuff my face as she watches me with a grin on her face.

Finishing my last few chews and stand up and gulp down some oat milk. Yes, oat milk. I'm trying to be healthy don't judge me. I stand up and put a light sweater on. Then I go to the living room to grab my bag and say bye to my mom. On my way to not really hell but purgatory!

While walking to the bus stop I bump into a man in smart attire. Did I mention I was clumsy? I frantically say sorry but the man cuts me off with a shut up and watch where your going and walks into the bus. Geez, I think as I step into the bus. Seeing that it was only the 2 of us, I put my earbuds and listen to "wheels on the bus"...

As I look out the window I see my destination only a few blocks away. I get off along the other rude man...weird. We both walk in the direction and at this point, we are walking side by side. I glance up at him and then glares back at me. I wince and look straight. "hey, I'm sorry for bumping into you, it was stupid of me..." I say with a slight shaky tone. "Yeah you're right that was stupid, but it's okay dumbass," he says with an angry but calm tone. I grin in relief.

"Are you heading to the high school on the left?" I ask. "Yeah, what the about it", he harshly asked. "Oh well, I'm a student there," I say. " Well I'm a teacher pipsqueak, a new teacher to be exact"

No one's watching us, don't give a fuck
Wheels on the bus
I'm holding it down up in the front
Wheels on the bus
Ooh, ooh, ooh
Wheels on the bus

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