Drama Club

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"You're early"

Izuku's POV

"You're early", the new teacher stated with a stern but intrigued look in his eyes. I stared at him with blank eyes fogging the fact that I was surprised. Most teachers appreciate if any student showed up early, but he just held a cold gaze. I stared up at him as he walked over to the desk I had been sitting at for the past 2 minutes.

He then firmly placed his hand on the desk in the form of a fist. "Don't be early and don't be late, I like to have my privacy", he said with a straight face. My wide eyes and hanging jaw accentuated the shock on my face. He walked away and I was sure that I saw a glimpse of smirk plastered across his face.

I was in a trance of surprise until people started flooding the classroom after the loud ringing sensation of the bell. I jumped a bit when I was finally free of the gesture he approached me with. I slightly looked around and something finally caught my eye. The blazing redhead I sat with at lunch. What was his name? Kai? Kevin? Oh, Kiri! He glances at me with red-tinted cheeks and flashes me a bright smile. I wave at him and go back to pulling out the books written on the board.

As the lesson passes by, my mind wanders off to different things like what I'm gonna eat or stuff to do at home. Then I hear my name being faintly called. I look up to see Mr. Bakugou in front of me with a scowl on his face. I squeal a bit at how close he was and how angry he looked. "I asked you a question Izuku," he says with a stern look. "Um, can you please repeat the q-question?", I ask hearing snickers around me.

He moves his figure gesturing towards the board, "what's the value of x?", he states with a blank look on his face. I stare at it for about 10 seconds and say, "The value of x is 21 and the value of y is 40. The figure's surface area is also 120."

His eyes widen a bit, showing a clear shock on his face. My mouth curves into a small smirk as I look down at my paper with all my answers filled in. I hear sounds of slight amazement spark throughout the classroom.

Mr.Bakugou leaves my desk and walks down the aisle back to his desk and sits down. "Free time and go crazy but not too crazy you little shits", he says with a straight face. Everyone immediately starts conversing with the people around them I glance over to see Mr. Bakugou staring at me with a small smirk on his face, but then goes back to his stern face once he sees me staring back.

Then I feel a tap on my hand and I turn to see Kiri. "Hey Izuku, that was cool what you did back there, I'm sure that your really smart and manly dude", Kiri says with a grin. I smile and thank him. He then looks up at me and hesitantly askes me a question. "Hey Izuku, would you consider coming to one of the parties I'm having this weekend?"

"Yeah sure, if my mom says yes" He chuckles along with me smiling bit. "Can I have your phone number so I can text you the information?" He askes me with a hand rubbing his neck. "Yeah sure. I hand him my phone to put his number in and as he finishes the bell rings and people start rushing to pack up and exit the hell called school. I slowly packed up unlike the rest of my classmates and eventually I was the last one in the classroom. Mr. Bakugou spoke up just as I was about to leave. "You did well today kid," he said a little muffled. "Thanks". He looked at me am with an amused gaze and said: "don't take that to heart, I don't have favorites." I smirked at him and waved goodbye. I walked out of the school doors and felt the fresh air and the sun blazing on my skin. I though out loud and said "I'll be your favorite"

Nobody's POV

Izuku was walking down the last busy sidewalk to his home. His sanctuary. Finally hearing his music and his footsteps, Izu took a left to his house staring back at him, inviting him to come in.

He opened the door to find the aroma of citrus and sweet embrace. He grinned happily at the sight of home and not the busy hallways of highschool. He walked in and dropped his bag on the nearest sofa and trudged up the stairs longing for a nice short shower. He glanced at his room's door and found a note. He gently tugged it oof and read it. It said "Going to be back in the morning sweetie." Izu held a natural face but then his eyes swirled with amusement and his mouth formed into a small grin.

He quickly hopped into the shower and went downstairs with a towel on his head with some house clothes on. His mom left a message on the note that made Izu's stomach flutter with excitement. "I made your favorite sweetie." He found a bowl of katsudon!

He slowly savored his food while watching different youtube videos while doing all of his homework. He was quite the multitasker. After doing all these tasks he cleaned up and headed upstairs to get ready for bed.


Izuku was walking down the hall after helping some teachers with some things. He was a good kid after all. While he was walking down he saw one of his friends, Tokoyami, getting mocked by the "drama club" of the school. They take everything everyone says and turns it into gossip or things to hurt them. Well, they were doing this to poor Tokoyami. Why you ask? They just came out as nonbinary or which means that they don't comply with gender labels. They asked many people to not refer to them as "him" but as pronouns like they. Well, these pricks just had to cause so kind of mockery of them.

The leader of the group, Monoma, was the biggest prick in this group. "Hey, guys no matter what "he is always going to be gay...", Monoma slurred his last insult to Tokoyami's face and then his whole group snickered and laughed like absolute idiots. Now Tokoyami had tears streaming down their face. They started sobbing in their hands, and Izu could not take this anymore. He will not let his friend get demolished by these assholes. "Hey, shut the hell up," Izuku said with a dark tone.

"Oh look its pretty boy", Monoma said with a smug face. "DO you think that you can just bully someone that is in your community as well. Its called lgbtq+ for a reason! Do you even have a brain?! It's not all about who you are attracted to its also about who you are!" Now Tokoyami was in Izuku's arms while Izu defended them with all his might.

"Especially you Monoma, You're Bi aren't you, so why can't you just accept them too! you should be ashamed of yourself you selfish asshole. Its people like you who we shouldn't accept into the community but we accept everyone because of what our past selves have been through. Fuck you Monoma and fuck your little drama club because I am not gonna let tokoyami endure any more of your false concern for their real identity and pain." Izuku finished a stuck up the middle finger and walked away with Tokoyami trying to calm

I never signed up for your drama
Up for your drama, up for your drama club
I never signed up for your drama
Up for your drama club

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