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Noone's POV

Izu sobbed in Kiri's arms in despair. Feeling absolute nothing but pity for the small fragile friend, Kiri held him tighter. Afraid that if he didn't Izu would fall apart in his arms. Kiri almost felt guilty for leaving Izu alone at the party. He should've checked up on him more. But Kiri stopped himself from feeling resentment towards himself because he had to focus on what Izu was going through right now. He had to protect him and put him back together piece by piece.

Kiri asked if Izu if he wanted to stay any longer and Izu obviously said no. He didn't want to be here. He wanted to be alone, thinking his own thoughts and speaking his own words. He called his mom who there in about 15 minutes to pick up her son.

When he got into the car, inko saw his eyes. Puffy and red. "Izu what happened?" Inko said with worry reverberating her voice. "I don't wanna talk about it mom, can we just go home?" Inko left her Izu alone instead of pestering him for answers. That would only make him more upset.

When Izu got home he immediately went to his room. Quickly changing out of his clothes and putting on more comfortable ones, he slammed himself onto his bed. He let his tears run down his cheeks. He wanted to scream and yell. He felt like he was wandering hopelessly in pity. The looks of concern when people at the party gave him sent daggers to his self-esteem. He looked at the moon from his window feeling so lonely. It felt like he was drowning in his own tears. Salty waters that burned his wounds as he helplessly laid in his bed crying himself to sleep.

The rest of the weekend passed with Izu doing his homework and doing nothing but sleeping. He couldn't bring himself to eat or do anything. Inko's heart broke at the sight of her son. She wanted to know what happened so badly, but she waits patiently for him to tell her himself. She tried all weekend to give him the support he needed, this did actually make some progress. He started to eat again on Sunday, but he despair pooling in his eyes never left his gaze. His pain won't fade away that quickly.

At school, everyone was worried about Izu. Some actually knew what happened and a few of them gossiped. Even some teachers heard of what happened. Tokoyami tried their best to help Izu and Izu accepted that. But Izu couldn't bring himself out of his own ocean of despair.

Katsuki was one of the teachers who really seemed concerned for Izu. Izuku wasn't perking up to answer questions. He wasn't smiling as brightly. He wasn't the Izu that he used to be. This caused Katsuki to take action. He waited during the lesson for Izu to not be paying attention to strike. "Izuku what's the area of this circle?" Izu looked at him blankly and said 34.

"Wrong, you have detention after school with me," Katsuki said a blank face. Everyone else was shocked including Izu. Noone expected Izuku to ever get detention. 

As everyone was leaving, Izuku sat down staring at his desk with a blank expression. He glanced up to see red eyes staring down at him. "What do you want?," Izuku said with anger slightly joining his words. "To talk to you pipsqueak" Izuku was confused and it showed on his face. Wouldn't he be getting work anytime soon from the blonde instead of having a stupid conversation with him? "Is it true about what happened to you?" Izu's face dropped, he felt like he was gonna throw up. He felt his heart sink as tears pooled his glossy eyes. Once the blonde saw this he went into full comfort mode He snuggled him in his arms as Izu sobbed all his pain away. Katsuki rubbed his back and tried his best to comfort his best student. 

He then pulled away from the teary eyes boy and gave him a kiss on the forehead and Izu fell back into his warm embrace...pulling Izu out of his own ocean of despair and tears.

"Pretending everything is alright is detention"

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