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The week passed by quickly like how lightning strikes. Izu felt his heart blossom with this new experience. He had never really fallen in love before. He had never fallen for someone with ruby red eyes. Or someone as rude and prune as a sour lemon. But as considerate and soft as love, itself. he felt his heart beat like a low drum every time they made eye contact.

Or when they were alone at lunch, Izu sitting in Katsuki's lap as he graded papers. Occasionally giving him pecks on his freckled cheeks. Today was one of those days where Katsuki was having a bad day. he sat down at his desk leaning back even more. He pinched the bridge of his nose and shouted "FUCK" Poor Izu at the door squeaked as he walked in. Katsuki jolted up hearing the boy enter. He then chuckled when he saw why was he scared.

Izu slowly walked towards him and Katsuki opened his arms wide for the greenete. Once he got to the desk he was engulfed into a soft kiss on the lips. A blush flushed over his cheeks as he pulled away. The broccoli boy then put his head in Katsuki's chest. He could feel the vibrations of Katsuki's chuckle as he leaned more into his lover's arms. Their love was so wholesome.

But their love was interrupted by the principal. Todoroki's eyes filled with rage. Katsuki got up to go up to the teacher. "What the hell are you doing Katsuki?" Todoroki yelled out in pure jealousy and anger. "What you couldn't do," Katsuki said while smirking. "I will fire you if you keep this shit up." Todoroki spat at Katsuki. A shiver ran down Katsuki's spine. At that moment he felt vulnerable. His job and connection with Izu were at stake. He fell into his dark void of thoughts. 

He fell so deep that he didn't even notice a tear run down his face. Izu noticed this with tears blinding his sight as well. He got up and hugged Katsuki's side. " Please Mr. Todoroki, don't take him away from me. Please I'll do anything, just don't fire him" Izu said with tears running down his face and sobs escaping his mouth.

Todoroki's heart dropped. As much as he wanted to fire Katsuki, he still loved Izu too much to do that to him. So instead he had a solution. "Ok listen. Katsuki if you wait until Izuku graduates, you can officially date Izuku, but if you fail to, you will be fired and your reputation with light up in flames. Do I make myself clear?"

Both of their heads jolted up with shimmering eyes. Izu raced over to Todoroki to give him a tight hug. Todoroki stood there surprised but eventually hugged Izu back. And Katsuki shook his hand with a slight stern face.

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