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I did end up visiting Eathan's grave that weekend after that talk with Gage. That was five years ago. To the day, actually. Strangely enough, visiting did bring me closure. I'd be lying if I said memories of my senior year of high school didn't haunt me. They had for a long time, and sometimes still did. I'd needed extensive therapy and heavy sleep medication to keep me from having horrific nightmares. To this day, Gage helped me through every single problem I had. I did the same. We were recovering together.

So why did I drag myself over to the cemetery on this day, every year, without fail? What did it do? That was a complicated question with a more complicated answer.

The simple one was that Eathan and the experiences I'd had that year with him had influenced me in a lot of ways. He made me realize a lot of things about myself. I did love him, a lot, and getting over him wasn't easy. But now I looked at him more as old friend from a chapter of my life that was long over. I wanted to keep him updated on my life. It was just something I needed to do. Maybe one day, I would stop doing it. Probably. But that day wasn't today. This had been the first year I'd really felt.. whole, again. So it wasn't a surprise that this was also the first year I had really good news to tell Eathan.

"Hey Eathan, it me again, Zoey." I knelt, setting a bundle of light blue forget-me-nots on his gravestone, like I always did. "I know I usually cry when I do this, but I'm working on not doing that this time." I stood up and backed up slightly, so I could control myself. I was serious about keeping my composure this time.

"A lot has happened since you died. I could sit here for hours telling you about it, but I don't think I could keep my not crying promise if I did. As you know, I work in a comic shop in Norfolk now and I graduated culinary school this year. I'm thinking about opening a restaurant. Gage is became a physical therapist. We're both doing well for ourselves and going after what we love." I explained happily.

"I've had it worse, I know I have, but Gage struggles sometimes too. We do the best we can to help each other through the harder times. He's the only reason I've made
it as far as I have. Naturally, we starting seeing each other and things got serious very quickly. I hope you understand. Honestly, I loved you, I really did. Nothing ever happened between us while we were dating. I want you know that. But you're not alive, and I am. So I got on with life."

"That isn't all. I haven't had nightmares in months. I can feel good without being guilty about it now. Gage helps with the happy part a lot. I've been putting the pieces of myself back together. I think you would've wanted that for me. Moving on, pulling myself together, following my dreams..." I trailed off. The sound of familiar footsteps came up behind me.

"Are you almost done, love? We agreed to have lunch with your parents, remember?" Gage reminded, hugging my waist from behind. He leaned his head on my shoulder. He was really anxious about getting my parents approval. They adored him and I knew they'd be happy for us, but Gage was very traditional about these things.

"Almost. I was just getting to the best part, honey! We have plenty of time to get to lunch on time. It's okay, you don't have to be in such a hurry. " I chastised, trying to hold back a tender smile at his antics. He kissed me lightly and I gently returned it, as I had a thousand times before. We hadn't done much more than kiss, again, Gage was traditional in that department. More so than even I was.

"Gage and I are getting married. A month ago, he proposed to me after a picnic and a walk on the beach. It was perfect." I confessed. "Wow, that feels good to say out loud. My parents and Gage's still live in Asheville, right where they used to. We're having dinner and telling them the good news. Gage is really anxious to get over there and I quote, 'ask my father for my hand in marriage.' Even though he already has it."

"It's because Zoey is a slow-poke and I don't want to be late. We're enGaged." My oh-so-mature fiance added, snickering. He loved using that pun. It stopped being funny after the past thirty times.

"Gage!" I reprimanded. "Have you not made that joke enough times?"

"Not even close, princess." He teased, kissing my nose affectionately. I rolled my eyes at him. Gage was still a teenage boy in the humor department. In the physical department, he'd matured nicely. He was still handsome, just as he always had been, but a few years had given him manly stubble and more defined features. I was a lucky woman.

"Shall we go?" I offered, looking up at my prince charming with adoration. He lifted me up bridal style and I giggled. He'd been doing that a lot lately.

"Let us ride into the sunset, my lady." Gage declared dramatically in a fake british accent, raising one eyebrow and huffing like the giant diva he was.

"You're a dork." I informed him. How he carried me with so little effort, I had no clue, but he walked me over to our car without any trouble at all. He leaned against for a second just holding my tenderly. I leaned into him, not complaining at all.

"I'm your dork." He retorted. I grabbed his face, kissing him passionately. It was as if each our lips moved against each other's, a million nerve endings tingled. I don't know how much time passed, it seemed that it was both forever and merely a single breath. We pulled apart and I looked at his beautiful brown eyes for a few moments.

He finally set me down, and I just stared at him for a few minutes, admiring him and thinking about how lucky I was. After a while, I answered him.

"Yes, you are. And don't you ever forget it."


I'm finally finished with this book! Wow, this feels nice. It was a bit on the shorter side but I still feel like it's good. I just have to do some editing and I'll look into getting it published. What do you think? Did you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it?

Also, Merry Christmas, guys!

~The xXDark_Fire_MageXx

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