Chapter Five

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- - - - - Spencer"s POV - - - - - - - :)

Where the hell is Isa, I thought to myself. It has been nearly an hour since I last saw her. After I broke up the fight between my two idiotic and drunk friends I sat down in the lounge area to wait for Isabel to return. I was  starting to get really worried.

I stood up and made my way through the rowdy crowd to see if I saw her signature brown hair and innocent eyes. Things were slowly changing between us. She looked absolutely beautiful when she came floating like an angel, into her kitchen earlier that night. I was taken aback by how the dress she wore seemed to be painted on her slim frame, accenting the curves she usually hid. I couldn't decide if I should cover her up to keep her to keep her hidden from the testosterone fueled teenage boys that would be dying to cop a feel or pull her into my arms and kiss her until we were both breathless. I decided that would be too big of a step for either of us to handle right now. But as soon as finals were over and summer officially began, I was going to see where this, what ever this was, could go. As I continued to wander through the big mansion filled with drunk teens everywhere, the panic deep in the pit of my stomach was starting to bubble to the surface.I pushed people aside near the foot of the staircase I saw Isabel go up, to try and see if she just decided to stay upstairs away from all the madness of the party.

The hallway was long and contained six doors, three lined up on each side. I went to the first door on the right and turned the brass knob, only to find it locked. I then went to the next one over to find a girl and a boy who I did not recognize, in a compromising position. I gave a little chuckle and left them to it. I then absentmindedly went to the third door on the right and opened it, only to find myself in a pitch black room. I reached on the wall, adjacent to me searching for a light switch that wasn't there. When I finally realized that there was no light switch, I turned towards the door ready to continue to look for Isa, when I heard someone crying. "Hello, anyone in here?", I asked inching closer to the assumed direction of the sobs. I can't see shit, I thought to myself, as I pulled out my IPhone so I could see where I was walking. I scanned my phone over the large area until I came across a figure huddled over in the far right corner of the room next to a leather armchair. Who ever it was, was completely nude. As I moved closer I recognized the auburn hair and heart shaped birth mark near the nape of her neck. My heart dropped, more like plummeted, to the deep dark trenches of despair. I hurried over to her and fell to my knees next to her shaking form."Isabel?" I said barely coming out as a whisper. The heavy sobs wracking her body hurt me more than I thought it ever could. I couldn't see her face because she had placed her head in between her knees and wrapped her armsaround her legs. "What happened baby? Tell me what happened Isa." I said feeling myself starting to get teary eyed.

This was not good. My innocent, lovable, and just plain perfect, best friend was sitting here naked, crying like there was no tomorrow, and I could do nothing to stop the cascading waterfall of tears that seemed to pour out of her pale body. I reached for her arm and she flinched away from my touch.

"Isa, It's me, Spencer. I won't hurt you. It'll all be over soon." I cooed to her.

I took off my jacket that I was wearing and draped it over her body. I then picked her up bridal style and carried her over to the large king sized bed that sat in the middle of the room. I searched for a lamp and found one sitting on a little table next to the gargantuan bed. I clicked it on and gasped. There were bruises of all shades around Isa's wrists, neck, and midsection. The brightness of the lamp made her shy away and hide her face under my jacket. She sat there curled up in a fetal position sobbing and dry heaving, while shock waves of fury rolled through my body, causing me to involuntarily clench my fist. Who the fuck would do something like this? I'm going to fucking kill that bastard!

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