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Beyoncé Knowles.

“Take a lap, Samuels.”

It’s Thursday afternoon, and we’ve got our first game tomorrow against the Badgers. Their defense is going to kill us if my quarterback doesn't get the plays down.

After a hard practice, the boys are tired but ready. I think we are all feeling the adrenaline of the first game of the season and I’ve got my fingers crossed. It’s my first ever game as coach. I send them all to the showers as I talk to the assistant coaches, making sure everyone is ready, giving them assignments to go over tonight. This isn’t just a big game for the school, it’s also a big game for me too. I want to show everyone that these boys have what it takes. With this being my first coaching job, some of the media is bound to be here, and if there are scouts watching, I want these boys to have the best opportunity to show off.

When I walk through the double doors of the locker room, I head to my office, which is off to the side. I pass a row of lockers, and stop short when I hear the Onika’s name.

“Who knew little dorky Onika would sprout up like that? Never knew a Harry Potter shirt could give me a woody. I bet that pussy of hers is cherry tight.”

“Oh yeah, nobody’s gotten in there yet. I plan on getting it first Saturday night after the Homecoming dance. She’s gonna be all mine.”

It takes everything in my body not to rip apart the lockers separating me from the boys on the other side. I heard one of the juniors, Atkins, talking, but I know Safaree Samuels is the one talking about fucking her. I should go over there and break it up, but my fists are clenched and I’m gripping the playbook so hard I’m about to rip it in half. I can’t beat a student, I can’t beat a student, I can’t beat a student, I keep chanting in my head over and over.

“I saw that hickey you left on her neck. Nice way to mark your territory, dog.” I hear a slap on the back.

“Oh yeah. Gotta let everybody know she’s claimed property. Can’t let anyone get that cherry before I do. She fucking loves it when I suck on her. She likes it everywhere, if you know what I mean.”

My eyes go blurry and I blink a few times, trying to remove the red from my vision. I’ve had all I can stand, so I stomp around the lockers to the other side. When I round the corner, everyone looks at me, but my eyes are locked on Safaree.

“Samuels! On your feet!” My voice echoes through the locker room, and he pops up off the bench looking like a scared little shit. Good. He should be scared. I want to rip his lying face off, but I control it. I can’t go to jail, because then I’d be without Onika, and he’s not worth it. “I don’t want to hear that kind of talk in here again. Do you understand me, boy?”

He nods his head nervously, but I wait for a response. “Yes, Coach Knowles.”

“I want you back out on the field. You’re running laps with Coach Evans, and once he feels like you’re done, you’re going over the playbook front to back. Then you’ll come in early to go over it with him. We clear?”

“Yes, sir.” He looks defeated as he walks past me, back out of the locker room, but I don’t give a flying fuck.

I turn to the other players, and slam my playbook on the bench. “I don’t know what kind of locker room crap your last coach put up with, but that’s done and over. If I hear anything like the conversation I just heard ever again, you’ll all be warming the bench come game day.” They all look at me with wide eyes, but I’m beyond enraged. I know it’s because they were talking about Onika. This kind of talk always happens when guys get together, not just in locker rooms. But I’m blinded by my anger, and I don’t care. “Everybody clear on this?”

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