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Beyoncé Knowles.

We took down the Badgers in a blowout. I was nervous about it all coming together, but thankfully it turned out all right. The boys performed better than I expected, and I was right to push them so hard. There were scouts in the stands after the media came to film my first game. I even saw a few of my old coaches walking around and taking notes.

It takes a couple of hours after the game to talk to everyone and have the locker room speech with the players. Afterwards I have to do some handshakes with the news and a few boosters to talk about the upcoming season. Overall, it's a lot more politics than I bargained for, but it is what it is. I guess if I want to continue to coach, this side is the bullshit I have to deal with.

The worst part about tonight was having to do an interview and having to watch helplessly as Safaree went up to Onika after the game and put his hands on her. I had a news camera and a microphone in my face, so I kept it together. He reached out to touch her, but she just stood there with her arms crossed. Her big tits were perched on top of her folded arms, making them look obscene, and I'm sure that's why Safaree was hanging around.

Robert and Carol were close by, and they looked like they were having a chummy conversation with him too. That fucking kid makes my blood boil, and I'm pissed off that there isn't shit I can do about it while I'm his coach.

I made it through the interview without incident, and as I walked past them to the locker room, Onika and I locked eyes. Her parents were so wrapped up in their conversation with Safaree they didn't see me signal to Onika to check her phone.

When I get to my office, I grab my phone and text her.

Me: Tell your parents you're staying with a friend tonight.

Onika❤️💍: what friend?

Me: Doesn't matter. Tell them I'll give you a ride since it's near my house. I'll drop you off tomorrow too because I have to go back and get my stuff.

Onika❤️💍: so you and me all alone tonight?

Me: If you gekk that fucker to keep his hands off you.

Onika❤️💍: Meet me at your car. xoxo ❤️.

I toss my phone in my bag and head out. I'm irritated, even though this should be a great night. Maybe it's just different being on this side of things. When I was a player, the celebration started after the game, but it seems like I can't get away from people wanting to do interviews and parents wanting to ask about playing time. All I want to do is get Onika and go home so I can sink inside her in peace.

I got the keys for my new place from the builder this morning, but Onika still hasn't seen the inside. I plan on showing her every square foot after I get her out of here. The thought causes me to smile, and as I'm not paying attention, I almost run right into Kim.

"Hey, Coach Knowles. Great win out there tonight."

"Thanks." I start to sidestep her, but she follows me.

"Listen, I know you said you've got to move tomorrow, but what about a celebratory drink tonight? I promise I know how to show you a good time, you know, you being new in town and all."

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