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Beyoncé Knowles.

Sitting across the table from Onika is wonderful. Her parents being at the table with us isn’t so wonderful. I reach for the bowl of salad at the same time as Onika, and our hands touch. We lock eyes and I run my fingers over hers, feeling her softness with my fingertips.

“So, Beyoncé, your place will be ready tomorrow?”

Hearing my name makes Onika jump, and she pulls her hand away from mine. I look up to see Robert and Carol bringing the last of the food to the table as we all sit down for dinner. I clear my throat, trying not to think about how I was just upstairs fucking Onika’s little pussy four times before they got home. It would have been five, but they came home as she was sucking my cock and getting it ready to fill her up again. I got her sweet pussy so full of cum there was hardly room to stuff my cock inside her. She kept her hips tilted up to keep as much as possible inside her, both of us hoping it would result in breeding her.

“Yes, I can go pick up my keys in the morning, and everything is all set to move in on Saturday.”

“You must be so excited to finally have your own space,” Carol says, smiling at me.

“It will be a relief not to have to be quiet anymore.” I look over and smile at Onika, letting her know full well what I mean by that.

Robert laughs and cuts up his chicken. “Oh, you haven’t been so bad. We are all going to miss you, I know that. Aren’t we, girls?”

Both Onika and Carol agree, and I just smile as I eat my dinner. I know one pussy in this house is going to miss my bedtime stories, but I’m thinking we’ll find a way to still make that happen.

“So, honey, have you decided about college yet? I know we keep bringing it up, but you’ve gotten all these acceptance letters and you’re graduating in four months. You really need to decide what you want to do.”

I pause, my fork halfway to my mouth, as I look at Onika for her response. I can’t imagine her wanting to leave for college after what we’ve shared, but if she decides to go, I guess I’ll just have to follow her. It’s crazy how fast your priorities can change.

She tucks her hair behind her ear and looks away from her mom and dad. “I’m not sure yet. I don’t think I’m ready to go. I’m graduating early, but I want to leave my options open for now until I decide what I want to do.”

Robert reaches over, patting her hand until she looks up at him. “I completely understand, honey. I didn’t know what I wanted to do until I was already halfway through college and had to change majors. I wasted two years of time and money on something because my parents pushed me into it. You mom and I want you to be happy, so think about it, and when you’re ready, we can decide. You’re a smart girl, and we trust you’ll figure it out.”

“When I was your age, I just wanted to have babies and be a stay-at-home mom,” Carol sighs wistfully, looking over at Robert, and I nearly choke on my beer.

“I wish we could have had a dozen babies, my love,” Robert says, and they smile at one another. “Luckily we were able to have one, and she turned out to be enough of a pain in the ass for a dozen.” We all laugh, and Onika’s cheeks burn with embarrassment.

Robert mentioned that Carol had to have a hysterectomy after giving birth to Onika. Something about complications with bleeding. Robert had almost lost both of them. I look at Onika and feel my heart ache. I can’t imagine losing her. I know that when she gets pregnant, I’ll make every doctor monitor her in case that problem should arise with her too.

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