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Onika Maraj.

"You're not going," she whispers in my ear before she nuzzles my neck, the morning light shining through the windows, giving it a little nip.

"Beyoncé, my mom..." I try to reason with her, but my words cut off as she pulls herself from me. I instantly miss the warmth of her body.

The bedroom is bare, with only a king-size mattress on the floor. Beyoncé paces the room like a caged lion wanting out. The tense lines of all her muscles show. Okay, maybe not a tiger, more like a bear.

"Come back to bed." Sitting up, I let the sheet drop away, hoping it will entice her back into bed. I don't know how much longer I have until the movers show up, and I want to soak up every minute of alone time we can have together. These moments are rare, and I want every second I can get. A moment without having to worry about being caught, or what people will think. It's just her and me in our safe bubble.

"Fuck!" she bellows, and then turns to look at me, and I can't help but gaze at her perky tits. Her curse sounds angry, but her face doesn't show any trace of that. "I can't do this."

A sudden panic hits me at her words, and I can feel the blood leave my face. Gripping the sheet, I pull it to cover myself.

"No, no, no, baby." She's on me instantly, her big hands cupping my face. "I meant this hiding shit. I can't do it, and it's driving me fucking crazy. I don't know what's wrong with me, but the thought of you going anywhere with that kid drives me nuts. I don't think I'd make it through the night without losing it."

"Beyoncé, I would never do anything with him." I try to reassure her about the dance, running my hand up and down her back and pulling her closer. She just stares down at me. Her face looks like she's in agony.

"No, you wouldn't because I won't let you near him." Her mouth takes mine in a punishing kiss. It's hard, and it demands my surrender—something she already has. I can feel her need to mark me, and I should probably be scared by her intensity, but I'm not. I crave it, want it more than anything else in the whole world.

No one has ever made me feel the way she does. Like she can't breathe without me. "I need you." My legs drop open a little more at her words, giving her what she wants, letting her fully slide between them. Her big body cages mine. She feels so good pressed against me. My heart pounds and desire rushes through me.

She doesn't wait for permission, no build up or foreplay. She pushes inside my body with all the strength in her powerful thighs. Her cock thrusts against the tight muscles of my pussy, and I feel a delicious ache as she bumps against my cervix.

"You feel that? I'm going to drain every drop of me into you, and your greedy pussy is going to soak it all up. Isn't it?"

I moan at her words; it's all I can get out as my pussy clenches around her, begging her to do it. My body jerks beneath her as she starts to thrust in and out of me. Each thrust is more forceful than the last. Using her hand, she holds me in place, thrusting deeper, like she can't get far enough inside me.

Our moans fill the room as she begins to pound into me at a punishing pace. I know I'll feel the aftermath of this love-making for days to come. Waves of pleasure so intense wash over me, I'm not sure how much I can take. She rides me hard, making me scream out her name. The climax strikes me without warning, ripping through my body like an explosion. My body locks up under her, every muscle tensing as the orgasm courses through me.

Her cum shoots into my body, her warm jets filling me up. My pussy clamps down around her, trying to greedily suck up all of her cum.

"Who the fuck is she?" The shrill words jolt me from my lust-sodden mind, Beyoncé's body goes rigid against me.

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