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Moonbyul's feet scarcely made a sound as her feet carried her to the one place she wanted to be right now.

The clocks had chimed two and yet the general was still not asleep. She moved silently through the narrow corridors built between the walls of the castle. Her room was not far from yours and she was grateful for its placement as she encountered no one.

Moonbyul felt around the the wall, finding the lock. It clicked and the door rolled to the side, revealing your bedroom. The canopy was drawn shut, Moonbyul quietly pulled the drapes back. You were asleep, hair tousled around your face. With the drape now open, the moonlight illuminated your features and softened them. The secret face that only she really knew without the airs you put on in your court.

Moonbyul placed her knee on the bed, crawling close to you until her body was pressed against your side. You did not wake, drained from using your magic.

Her fingers traced your clavicle and up your neck. You shivered involuntarily, swatting at the bothersome hand. Slowly, too slowly for Moonbyul's taste, awareness woke you.

Your lashes still heavy with sleep, your whispered her name. She smoothed your hair back, mumbling an insincere apology for waking you.

"Why are you still up?" You asked, reveling in her soft touches. Moonbyul decided to be as honest as she could be,"Insomnia, I suppose."

You groggily pushed yourself up, until your shoulders rested on your pillow and the back of your head pressed onto the headboard. You opened the arm closest to her and she came to rest her head on your chest. You wrapped her in your warmth, slowly stroking your nails across her cheekbones.

The effect was immediate, Moonbyul's plans slipping away into the recess of her mind as sleep made itself known. Your finger made directionless swirls across her face, everywhere you touched a pleasant tingling passed over her skin. Even in your exhausted state you had imbued healing magic in your touch.

Moonbyul sighed. Your fingers chased away every thought she had. You stroked downwards from her hairline to the tip of her nose. The repeated action encouraging her to close her eyes and fall asleep. When you were sure her breathing had deepened you closed your own eyes knowing that the two of you would be better in the morning.

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