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The queen strode in. Your steps were so steady you seemed to be floating over the tiles. Moonbyul imagined you like a fairy, ethereal. The sword at her hip was ceremonial but it swayed on her belt as she moved closer to you. Countless layers of sheer tulle glimmered with each step. A large bow sat on the small of your back, the high tips peeking over your bare shoulders. They almost looked like wings.

As soon as the swell of people surrounding you had died down, Moonbyul snuck closer until she stood just behind you.

"You look like a present waiting to be unwrapped." She didn't miss the flush on your cheeks from her comment. You maintained a serene expression, eyes darting quickly to see if anyone else had heard. Despite being the queen and the desire to be near, everyone maintained a respectful distance for your privacy.

You tilted your chin down to your shoulder like you were whispering a secret. Moonbyul's hand found its way underneath the bow and pressed firmly onto your back.

"I yearn for your touch, please." You sighed, your breathe wafted to her nose. You smelled like peppermint. Probably tasted like it too.
"Later, My Queen." Moonbyul whispered, the insinuation sent the hairs of your back standing.

"Stay by my side?" You inquired, eyes hopeful. How could Moonbyul deny you?
After all, you were playing right into her hands.


"My love is ardent and true," Moonbyul's tone sent warm flurries through your body. It was the winter solstice. What fortune it was to land on Moonbyul's birthday. You had retired early to your room to celebrate with Moonbyul. But it was beginning to sound more like your birthday than hers.

"How much time has passed?" You asked, knowing she would understand the question.

"Since I began sneaking into your room? The first time was a tent, love." You stifled a cough remembering that first inexperienced night. You had fretted that someone would hear you as your tent was surrounded by sleeping guards.

You gasped at the memory, "And my father! He was a tent over!" She grinned at the recollection. "Or did you mean when we first met? The night I became a knight in training. You were barely beginning to mature." Her hand was rubbing distracting circles on your back, slowly unlacing your dress.

"I was a small thing, back then. I've known you for most of my life." You remarked, snuggling back into her chest. Byulyi growled, annoyed she had been interrupted. She had insisted on holding you so you would make her wait. Even with a thick blanket covering the two of you, the chill from the window was penetrating. The fire continued to crackle, a soothing reminder of the warmth it contained.

"More than half," she corrected. And when had she begun her plan? Had only four years passed since your coronation?

"This marks the last year of your second decade. What will make it special?" You asked, brushing her knuckles against your lips. Moonbyul hummed, not answering your question in favor of distracting you with a kiss. It was becoming harder to carry out her plan than she realized. So many days and nights spent with you were encumbering her will to succeed. You were making this difficult.

Moonbyul pushed you slightly forward, slipping the shoulders of your dress off then lowering her lips to your smooth shoulder. You had forgotten your question, desire warming your body. You whined when she nipped your skin, her hands pulling the rest of your dress down to your waist. Her hands cupped your breasts and you fell back on her chest. The rings on her fingers cold on your heated skin. Breathing was becoming difficult and by the way her kisses were turning sloppy on your neck Moonbyul was feeling the same.

"Anything you want as a present?" You already knew the answer but it would stroke your ego to hear her say it.

"Only you."

Moon's QueendomWhere stories live. Discover now