Chapter 1: Dinotrux meets the Autobots and the Decepticons (Part 1)

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Hey. Sorry I took so long. It took me five weeks to write on it. Well, I hope you like it.

When the sun was rising, Ty and the others woke up and got out of the cave to stretch a little, and now they were going to look around the canyon to find some ore and water.

   While they were still looking, then Ty had an idea. He told them to split up so they would find the ore and water quickly, and they agreed. So, Ty, Revvit, and Garby went on the right side, then Skya, Click-Clack, Ton-Ton, Ace, Waldo, Dozer, and his tortool went on the left side.

The truxs, reptools, and the tortools went their separate ways. On top of the desert, the three vehicles and the motorcycle had arrived in a canyon. When they stopped, the doors were open, the three children and two adults got out of the car, then it turned into a robot.

   The Leader of the Autobots, Optimus Prime. Then there are two Scouts named Bumblebee and Arcee, their Guardians named Jack and Rafael, a warrior named Bulkhead, his Guardian named Miko, and finally, two adults are Agent William Fowler and June Darby ( һs ᥆𝖿𝖿 𝗍һіs ᥕᥱᥱkᥱᥒ, s g᥆ᥒᥒᥲ sᥱᥒ sm 𝗍іm ᥱ𝖿᥆r ᥕᥱᥒ𝗍 ᥆ᥒ mіssі᥆ᥒ і𝗍һ 𝗍һm.)

   A moment ago, Ratchet told everyone when he discovered a strange signature outside of Jasper, Nevada, so they went to investigate, except Ratchet, who's staying here along with Ultra Magnus, Wheeljack, and Smokescreen.

Arcee: "Is this it, Sir?"

Optimus checks the device.

Optimus: "Indeed, it is."

Bulkhead: "Uh... Are you sure it's here, Optimus?"

Fowler: "He's right. There is nothing here but the desert and canyon."

Jack: "Hmm. Maybe it invincible or..."

Miko: "Hey, Guys. I found something."

They looked at Miko when she saw something on the cliff's edge. So, they approached her and saw a cave between the canyon.

Miko: "Maybe it's inside one of those cave."

Bulkhead: [Laughing] "Good work, Miko!"

Optimus: "Indeed, but be cautious. We don't know if Decepticons are here."

   Autobots and Humans went to the hills and toward it. In the open cave, they activated their blaster as the Humans hid behind them. Then, they jump in and point the weapon by surprise, but there's nothing here.

Bumblebee: [Buzzing in Confused]

Bulkhead: "Scrap. There's nothing here either."

Arcee: "Wait."

Optimus: "What is it, Arcee?"

Arcee: "I see something inside the cave."

Optimus: "Hmm. Autobots follow me. Agent Fowler, June, Jack, Miko, And Raf, stay close to us."

   Autobots went into the cave as the humans were behind them. While they walk through the cave, Raf suddenly stops his track...

Raf: *He saw something.* "Huh?"

   Raf took a closer look and saw a little footprint and its head out of the opening, so he followed it and then saw a few more prints, and that's not all. He saw tire tracks, too, that go in the two directions. So, he went to the left to follow it and check what it was.

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