Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

It's was late, dark, and unbelievably scary down on the Mall at night. It was about ten when we got off the Smithsonian station stop and climbed up the escalator. Elizabeth had the most ridiculous smile on her face. "C'mon!" she shouted at me before heading off on to the green. I followed, not wanting to be alone in this part of town this late. She ran down the length of the Mall, past the carousel, laughing. I couldn't help but join in even if my laugh was from nerves. There was hardly anyone around but a few other stragglers on this late night. I doubt she even noticed the guys on the corner dealing. She never noticed things like that. Instead, she ran up to the Capitol building and shouted "NEWT!" as loud as her voice would allow. When she followed it with laughing, I decided to ignore the world around me as well and join in.

-Giselle's POV, Destiny pg 453

It was getting dark. Ginsie was getting worried by the tone of her whimpering. I was…well, right now I was determined. I figured with the crazy stuff that had been going on so far today, why not take it a step further. I was going to do what any other person would hopefully do in my situation; go up to the house with the red Jeep and black Mercedes and lie through my teeth assuming none of them looked anything like the Cullens.

This was crazy. Of course they wouldn't look like the Cullens. Just ignore that there wasn't a single Twilight book in the front of that bookstore. Ignore that the entire story of one of your good friend's lives is all right next to you, in written, published form. Just ignore that parts of it are published from your point of view. Just ignore the problems with the hotel, the date, the TV…. Just ignore.

My story, if anyone that didn't look like the Cullens answered the door, was that my truck was making a funny noise and my phone didn't work. At least part of that story was true enough to make it believable. My phones were both dead; because it was 2006 and not 2009…and I don't exist.

Shaking my head from my thoughts, I smiled back down at my pup. I tried to keep the worried tears from appearing because I knew that would only get Miss Ginsie anxious. I didn't want my pup to get anxious too.

"It's alright, Gins," I told her, petting her with my right hand while I drove with my left. "We'll figure this out," I whispered. Ginsie sighed, exasperated.

I didn't want to think about what I would do if it wasn't the Cullens house. If I was placing everything correctly, the red Jeep that passed me earlier today further on the highway was Emmett running off to stop Edward. When he passed me again, it was because Jasper had run after him and stopped him per Alice's command. At least, I hope that's what that was. If it wasn't, then I'm crazy and confused which was not a good combination.

Even allowing my thoughts to think like that, to think I'm in Twilight, sounded crazy. Oh sure, I've joked before how I'd love to go on a shopping spree with Alice Cullen but well, who hasn't? To actually think I might get the chance though, that was crazy. Totally, completely, insane. If I knock on the door and it's not the Cullens, I'm going straight to the hospital and asking to be locked up. The whole time change thing should be enough to declare me mentally unstable. I hope they'll let me keep Miss Ginsie though.

I turned down the roads and almost passed the house that was surrounded by trees. The jeep and Mercedes weren't visible from the road anymore but that might be because it's dark. It was 7 pm after all. If I had my time zones down correctly, Bella and Alice were still on a plane. There was the plane from Seattle to probably JFK or Atlanta and then another plane to Rome they had to take. I hoped they were on the plane to Rome right now. At 5 am this morning, Bella should be safe in Edward's arms. Well, my time. Their time, it would be noon. I think. Slowly, I drove up the driveway and parked near the front. I took a deep breath reminding me just to ask to call AAA. That's all I needed to do right now.

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