Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

There I stood. I was in the foyer of the Cullens' house. Now, granted, it wasn't the house in Forks but still it was the Cullens' house. And I had most of the Cullens, the infamous –in my world at least- vegetarian vampires. I should have been all bubbly with excitement at the very fact I was standing in their midst. I should have been blurting out twenty different questions a minute. I should have been gushing. Instead, it was depressing.

For one thing, this should NOT be possible. I could easily pass off yesterday as a weird dream, a fluke, a hallucination and nothing more. But to have it happen again in a period of less than twenty-four hours told me this was not a hallucination. If it was, I was probably already in some nice padded room right next to Estelle and I'd be painting the walls with unicorns and rainbows any second anyway.

For another thing, if I even bother to give in, just for a second, and think that this is real, that I'm here, that I've talked to Carlisle since I sat down to play on the computer at Starbucks, then the depression comes in the form of knowing at what time I'm at. For the past nearly twenty-four hours, those have been my two biggest issues; when and where. The where was currently the Twilightverse and the when was March 20, 2006. Neither of these things should be possible.

March 20, 2006, at this time in morning, I should just now be getting home to crash in my bed. I was working the night shift at the FBI and I hated it to no ends. When I got switched to the day shift, in January of 2007, I thought things would get better. Well, at least I wasn't dealing with dark circles all the time and I got Fridays off to begin with. I worked a Sun-Thurs schedule for a couple of months. And then it switched. And then that switched. And never for the better. Nothing in my life seems to switch for the better. Although, even I admit, it's hard to find anything bad about being switched into this universe.

I now can do what I want. Granted, I have nothing other than my truck and my pup but that's a good thing in a way. Although, I'm sure if I get pulled over and any cop tries to run the registration, this would not be a good thing at all. Given my license and the registration on the truck don't exist in this world, I'm pretty sure I'd be in deep trouble long before I had time to think through all the various ramifications. And then I'd be locked up in a mental hospital to boot.

So, for now, I am here. I'm going to have to deal with being here and all it's possible consequences. I could feel Emmett still eyeing me as well as Rosalie. Esme had come in and hugged her husband and greeted me as well. She mentioned something about toast and eggs if I'd like any. I politely declined. When I thought about talking again, about explaining that Alice would call, I saw Jasper come into the room and stay at the farthest edge. Glancing behind me, I saw Carlisle was speaking to him at level I couldn't hear. Well, couldn't understand at least. I could hear the faint sounds of whispering but I didn't understand it.

"So they'll call?" Emmett asked. Ah, that's what Carlisle had been muttering about. I looked at the floor, again feeling like I was being an intruder. It was…odd. But the second my feelings of intrusion came over me, they were lifted. I felt a wave of peace come over me and it was just…odd. I knew it was Jasper and I looked up only to smile a bit at him before turning to Emmett.

I nodded. "This afternoon, our time," I confirmed. The room was silent for a minute after that.

"Do you know what time exactly?" Rosalie asked rather timidly. It was odd to see her go from the angry vampire last night to the soft-spoken, sad vampire before me now. I could only shake my head.

"I know it's when they are on the plane from Florence to Rome. I know they won't catch that until an hour or two after it gets dark. So, I'm guessing about two or three our time but I'm not sure," I answered as truthfully as I could. I knew a lot from the books, like how they were supposed to spend spring break in Alaska and not here. I really wanted to ask them why they were still in Ithaca and not with Tanya's coven but I figured it wasn't my place. I was here to answer, not question. Or, at least, that's what I've been telling myself.

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