Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

The smell of apples and fall leaves assailed my nostrils. I felt I was in the world of magic as we walked around the Renaissance festival. It was the first time all of us had managed to get together since Rogue had graduated High School. She was here with us along with Gizelle, Anna, and about five or six others from my junior year. I believed in unicorns and rainbows as I watched Rogue, for the first time in nearly a year, walk towards us in her peasant blouse and flowing skirts. For the first time I ever remember, she looked like she was home.
-Estelle Fate page 86

I managed, somehow, to talk myself out of the whole not-quite-like-Alice thing earlier. I still wasn't sure how, but Rose and Carlisle seemed satisfied with the whole just-a-human answer. Still, I was going to have to be extremely careful until I could get my hands on Edward and Bella. I wanted them to read their stories first before I managed to show them mine. I knew if I came out and said I was Elizabeth French, I'd be laughed at and sent to the nearest asylum. But if I showed them their stories, their thoughts, and then said I was Elizabeth French, at least I wouldn't sound completely crazy. Or so I hoped.

I managed to keep those kinds of thoughts – thoughts about how to explain my situation to the Cullen Clan- in the back of my head. The foremost thoughts in my head were in regards to helping Carlisle and Esme call up people. Given that I was human, anything else I could help with would only slow down the process.

It was about one when I noticed the atmosphere changed. Everyone had been going to and fro without much ado. I was fascinated, at first, with seeing the white blurs move in front of me. That lasted about all of fifteen minutes before I got distracted with something else. Still, the idea of such speed was so very cool. Even if I didn't flinch which seemed to upset Emmett a bit. I guess he was expecting me to react like Bella a bit.

I could feel the anxiety in the air when the clock hit one in the afternoon. It took me a moment to realize why; Jasper was waiting for the phone call from Alice. He was probably projecting even if he didn't mean too. I couldn't blame him. Even though I had said that they'd all be coming home, I doubt I'd have much stock in me either…or even believe anyone until my loved ones were safe in front of me.

It hit me then again. I had no idea when –or even if- I'd ever see my loved ones again. My Mom, my brothers, everyone except my pup were somewhere else. I managed to fight back the wave of emotions and put those thoughts to the side for the moment. I'd worry about my own fate when I wasn't around the Cullens anymore. They didn't need their own problems compounded with my own. All I wanted to do here was help them.

Keeping that in mind, I went back to the work Carlisle had given me earlier. I sat at the dining room table with a phone to one side and an address book to the other. Carlisle had marked off all the people I was to call to help make arrangements for a move. The clan had decided that no matter what, they couldn't stay here. Ithaca isn't where Bella was and if all turned badly, then it would only harbor the sadness. They needed to get away from this self-imposed purgatory. Or, at least, Edward imposed purgatory.

I went through the list a bit slowly, keeping my ears pealed for any possible phone calls from Alice. Around 2:30, I felt a change in the atmosphere. It went from that annoying waiting anxious feeling to complete nervous anticipation and then to calm in under a minute. I dropped what I was doing and ran up to where I knew Jasper had been pacing only to find everyone but Jasper gathered outside of his room.

Slowly I approached, Esme immediately pulling me to her side with a warm smile upon her face. I could tell by the looks everyone had that it was Alice.

Rose looked nervous, like she was now scared of the ripping she'd get when they all got back. Emmett had his arm around her shoulders, trying to comfort her. I had heard earlier Emmett making Rosalie promise to apologize to both Edward and Bella when they got back. She had already apologized to Jasper since Alice got involved in this. From what I understood, that didn't go quite as planned but it seemed everything was okay for now.

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