Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

"Do you really want to hear the truth, Estelle?" Rogue asked me, a glint in her eyes I didn't recognize.

"Of course!" I stated enthusiastically. I always loved hearing Rogue's somewhat unhampered version of events.

"The truth is that I saw what happened when you moved into the group home. It clearly didn't help you at all," she started off sadly. I could tell she was holding something back but I wasn't sure what.

"When Anna moved out of her Mom's she clearly wasn't in a right place. I mean, I'm glad she got into Vet school and all but well, have you heard some of the stuff she's been saying?" Rogue asked me. I only nodded. I had heard. But I knew Anna and I knew that what Anna was saying was right for her. It wouldn't work for Rogue, our third of the Elizabeth triangle from High School. She wasn't into the world of ideas, only into the world that she could point to and see as evidence. It always stuck me as funny that she was so religious given her practical point of view.

"Giselle, well, I haven't heard from her in ages. Have you?" she asked but continued going on as she threw a pebble down from the rock she was perched on.

"Then there was Sarah. Not your Sara, but the one I think you met at my college graduation?" she asked me, turning to hug her knee.

I nodded in response. "She was rather large? Had curly blondish hair?" I asked. I was pretty sure that was her. Rogue nodded.

"She called me up a couple of months ago," she said with a smirk before staring back out into space at something I couldn't see. "She was just released from a mental hospital when she called. She said she had forgotten her own name…" Rogue trailed off. I knew what the mental hospital was like. I had been there a couple of times now. It wasn't so bad but I hadn't been totally there. I at least remembered my name, I think. Well, once the medication was evening out my system…

"Then she goes off and decides to be a groupie for a goth rock band!" Rogue stated angrily. I watched as the emotions played across her face. "So you see," she said quietly. "Moving out is really a step backwards to me. Everyone I've ever known who's left home doesn't do well, Estelle. They become something other. I don't want to be anything other than what I am now. I don't want to change. I only want the world around me to change for the better…and that isn't happening either."

-Estelle's POV Kismet pg 453

Watching the vampires pack was the most amusing thing I had ever seen. I saw white blurs carrying various colored blurs into very stationary designer suitcases. I could just make out which blur was Esme and which blur was Jasper. Jasper had actually asked me to come upstairs. Something about my emotions being a bit more stable than everyone elses. I shrugged and followed. It wasn't like I had anyone left to call and it gave me a chance to get to see the rest of where I'd be living for the next few weeks at least.

Esme had done a beautiful job on the house. Silk gauze curtains ordained the windows in the living room but heavier beige silk jacquard curtains made their way into the décor of Esme and Carlise's room. The room was filled with floral prints but not in an overtly feminine look. It vaguely reminded me of something more out of another time than the shabby chic vogue that was probably currently going on.

I sat on the duvet cover, with Ginsie at my side, right next to the suitcases. At first, I didn't want to allow the pup up but it was Esme who picked the pup up and put her next to me. Ginsie made the funniest noise I had ever heard when Esme picked her up. Seeing me laugh made the poor pup very disgruntled. She just kept looking up at me like she was awaiting an order for me to run and was disappointed that I wasn't the least bit scared. The pup was terrified and inched closer to me until she was flush with my thigh every time the vampires through things into the suitcases next to us. I just pet her long white and ginger fur, trying to calm her down.

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