Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

I was shopping with Rogue at Tysons for a couple of hours when she went from the florally soft dresses at April Cornell to the leather jacket store next door. For some reason, I didn't see our nearly goth Gibson girl as someone who went for leather. I held up a jacket after a couple of minutes of looking around.

"Do you like this stuff?" I asked curiously. She stopped dead and looked at me with an eyebrow raised.

"Would I be here if I didn't?" she asked incredulously before checking the tag on a jacket that looked more like something for a biker than our romantic girl.

"No," I smiled. "I guess not."

-Estelle Fate

There was something about Alice Cullen that was infectious. Her bubbly personality matched so beautifully with her pixie like appearance that it made everything about her just adorable. The fact I got to sit in the same room with her along with her husband and her brother, all members of my favorite fictional vampire family/coven made a part of me go all giggly. I was trying hard to suffocate that part of me since I didn't want Jasper to feel it –not that it would help much at this point- but I also knew I needed to keep what little bit of my sanity I had left with me.

If I wasn't crazy, if this was real, then I needed to get some fairly serious answers and analyze this situation down to its very core. Acting like a 13 year old on a dream date with her favorite actor wasn't going to help the situation. If I was crazy, then acting sane for a bit wouldn't exactly hurt either. It might even help me regain my sanity and find myself in a nice padded room with a straight jacket. I'm really hoping for the former but preparing for the latter. Either way, being giddy wasn't a good idea so I thought about things to keep me calm like snow castles and the transformation of women's dress in the 19th century. Things that wouldn't make me giddy but would keep me pleasantly happy and thoughtful.

"Oh! And I know Esme won't mind if you change some things. Maybe we should go shopping tomorrow," Alice told me. She had been talking, almost non-stop for the past five minutes since the vampires came back. I laughed at her suggestion.

"Shopping? With Alice Cullen? How ever will I survive?," I teased, looking down at my pup. Ginsie had become my constant protector. She was currently lying on the floor at my feet while I sat in one of the oversized chairs in the living room. I turned my thoughts to her, hoping that the giddiness I felt building inside me would go away, soon. Maybe Jasper was playing with me and doing this to me on purpose? I doubt it though. Every fiber of my being wanted to jump up and hug the vampires, tell them all my little secrets, and ask them a thousand questions…but I couldn't. I needed to get the books to Edward and Bella first. To just come out and say "Hey! Y'all are in my favorite book series and did you know that there is a war between the Twilight Fans and the Harry Potter Fans and that there are countless sites on the web about y'all? Oh, you didn't know you were fiction? That's okay because I'm fiction here!" would get me labeled crazy and sent to the nearest asylum as quickly as possible.

Even if I managed to get Alice, Jasper, and Emmett to read the books, that too felt wrong. They were Edward's and Bella's private thoughts. If a chapter or two were written from any of the three vampires before me's points of view, I'd consider it but to have them read into their sister or brother's head was like letting someone read their brother or sister's diary. It wasn't right. Until I could give the books to the people they sort of rightfully belonged to, I had to keep as much as I could under wraps and keep my giddiness at bay. Once Edward and Bella knew though, all Hell would break loose and I will so be demanding to know if Carlisle ever wore bits of lace and silk brocades while drooling over Esme's jewelry collection and bug Jasper about random facts from the Civil War. Okay, so I probably could do most of that now without any of the vampires batting an eyelash but it was the principal of the matter. Edward and Bella first and then everyone else.

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