Monday Morning

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'Day one after getting my soulmark and a complicated life from here, onwards and not counting.'
I thought groggily to myself.  I was in another bad mood this morning.  My blaring alarm was abruptly shut down, but the ringing continued.  The rain had not passed and I had fallen asleep reading the second book we had gotten just yesterday.  From these books I learnt, that if I was to touch my soulmark when it, or my hand which touched it, wasn't covered with cloth or something, would glow a soft deep blue; like the jacket and my eye currently.  Well, not for everyone, the deep blue is just for me, because of my soulmate--the colours would be different for others, obviously.  Anyway, doing this will send through my emotions to my soulmate.

'Yup, you heard right, invisible audience who I think is actually there.  My soulmate felt my 'lost' feeling yesterday when I first saw it, because I was lightly tracing it with my finger.'  I thought, swinging out of bed and trying to not feel comfortable with the warm feeling emitting from my left eye as usual when I'm in a bad mood, when I'm angry or annoyed, et cetera.  I honestly just want to stay grumpy with the rain right now.  It's petty, but true.  'I feel so bad.  I portrayed my guilty feeling to them yesterday evening when I had done some reading and after a moment, I felt a 'forgiving' emotion rush through my body.  A soulmate's instincts are always right.  I felt that they had forgiven me, even if they didn't know what for--but I assumed it was for that morning.'

I crossed my (second fave. colour) carpet, strolling over to my cupboard and pulling out today's school uniform and an eye bandage from a first aid kit--which I could reuse until next week.  Then I'd have to wash or change it for hygiene purposes.  This idea was kindly suggested to me by my Father who thought there'd be less of a chance for anyone to snatch it away to be annoying or rude, like they might with a pirate-looking eye patch.  Instead of looking silly, they'd see it as an injury and they'd leave me alone.  Then I could grow my fringe out like how I want it, long on the left side of my face and going past my chin and short and above my eyebrows on the right side of my face.  Also, next Sunday I'm getting the ends of my fringe trimmed and my long hair cut into a bob-cut which will perfectly frame my face.

I agreed to this, eye patch idea because it was a brilliant idea.  So after a quick morning of waking up at seven am, showering, getting dressed and brushing my (hair colour) hair and my teeth, putting on some matching black gloves which we bought yesterday and going down to breakfast I was mentally prepared for the school day.  After breakfast I grabbed my already packed backpack and put in my phone and lunchbox, then kissed my parents on the cheek and quickly rushed to catch the school bus.  My gloves were black, because the uniform is (second fave. colour) and black with white accents.  But luckily for me (second fave. colour) is my second favourite colour!  (Funny that.)  So tomorrow I could wear either white, (second fave. colour) or black gloves!

'My long, hair is actually really getting on my nerves now.'  I thought grumpily to myself as I brush it out of my face despite it being in a ponytail.  It was windy today and the wind is blowing in the opposite direction compared to where I'm running, so it's bothering me.  A lot.  'I so need to cut it.'  I finished my train of thought.  I stopped at the greenly coloured bus stop and took shelter there.  I folded my now soaked (fave. colour) umbrella and praised myself for not tripping or slipping on the way here.  I looked for the bus's arrival and watched as my friends Cadence and Mary--who live in the same neighbourhood as me--came running to the bus stop in a rush.  I saw they forgot their umbrellas again.

I watched as they huffed and puffed, obviously delighted to have some shelter from the cold Autumn (Fall) rain and wind.  I was a couple months older than them so I wasn't going to bring up their, or my, soulmate any time soon.  'Thank God.'  I sighed and shook my head at the two silly-heads.  "You're going to catch a cold."

"What?  Nahhh!"  Cadence spoke up, her beautifully long, dyed red hair dripping from the light rainfall and her light blue eyes sparkling with cheekiness.  "I'm immune to uhh...flus."  She finished unsurely.

"What's most important is that we made it here just in time."  Mary grinned, her grin lighting up her sickly looking skin as she pointing to the bus coming towards us.  Her hair was a natural blonde and was long too and her eyes were orange.  Cadence and I had healthy (skin colour)s but Mary was sick recently and doctors were trying to work out why.

"Heh, lucky you did."  I huffed a laugh which caused them to laugh with me.

"I'm not going to let myself be tainted by a petty bacteria either!"  Mary joked, putting a hand on her chest as if she was taking an oath.

"A wuh...?"  Cadence questioned confused just as the bus pulled up beside us.  At least today wasn't as foggy as yesterday.

"A flu or common cold is a form of bacteria!"  Mary scolded Cadence for not knowing basic biology or whatever it is as we all boarded the bus.  I made sure to not forget my umbrella this time.

"Is it...?"  Cadence questioned when we all sat down on the bus, staying as close to each other as possible.  The bus began to move to the school.

"Yes it is!"  Mary and I both responded laughing at her face.

"Whatever.  But hey, (name) what's with the eye patch and gloves?  Those aren't winter gloves so you can't fool us with that excuse."  Cadence looked at me suspiciously.  The gloves I'm currently wearing are thin and like ones you'd wear to a dress-up party or ball to look fancy or something.

"Yeah, that's all new.  Did you hurt your eye?"  Mary agreed in surprise, both of their faces going from confused to fearful.  They don't like it when I'm hurt, just as I don't like it when they're hurt.

"No,'s just...hard to explain, a little scary and complicated."  I reassured them...sorta.  "I'm not really least...not my hands...I-I don't wanna talk about it."  I finished.


"Sorry, (name)."  Cadence apologized for asking, ' too gals, me too...'.

"Hey, let's talk about something better, 'ey?"  This cheered them up.  The rest of my school day went smoothly.  We ran into Amelia in the halls before class and greeted each other.  Amelia has green eyes and pretty purple hair which she dyed just yesterday apparently.  She used to have brown hair.  "What are you girls doing?"  I questioned when they found and grabbed Jacob and Mel.  Jacob has short, dark brown hair and caramel eyes whereas Mel has short, light brown hair and dark brown eyes.  I watched curiously as the five of them formed a circle around me and swung each other's arms around...well...each other.  They stared at me cheekily and I kept turning to look at each one of them in confusion.  A large crowd had formed and started watching us.

"Happy...!"  Cadence began singing first, dragging out the word happy to make it longer than it is.

"Birthday...!"  The others harmonized with her.  "To you!!  Happy birthday to youu!"  They dragged out 'you' this time.  I blushed from embarrassment and hugged my arms, trying to contain my embarrassed giggles.  "Happy birthday dear, (name)!!!  Happy birthday our little, weirdo!"  We were all laughing by this point.  The crowd had even joined in.  I forgot this is what happens when someone has a birthday at this school.  After this little embarrassing moment we all had a good laugh and then went to our lockers.

 We then all went to our classrooms for the beginning of our day.  At lunch we sat at the same table and not outside, because the rain STILL hadn't cleared up and then the afternoon was surprisingly easy.  The languages class, which I'm never going to remember after school, was just revision and Science was reading the new chapter, asking questions and answering some of the teacher's questions to help us get a better understanding of it.  Honestly this has been the best school day of the year.

When we were dropped off at the bus stop, I waved goodbye to the girls and headed back home.  Once home I spent the night with my dads--sandwiches and movies!  I fed Yuki, because it's my turn to feed her at night, then I showered and fell into bed to read more of my books.  My phone was placed on charge after taking my torch off charge, because I drained all its battery staying up late and falling asleep without turning it off the other night.  My year continued in a similar pattern like this and so did future years.  Until...

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