Chapter 4: The Talk

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Recap on, on SMG4 story: a tale of Mario and Meggy:

SMG4: Everyone, quiet. What I think is going on here from what I heard. (Imaginary drumroll) I think Mario and Meggy have been...

A tense pause looms over the foyer of the castle. Mario and Meggy stand still hoping that what SMG4 has to say isn't a load of sh**.

SMG4: I think Mario and Meggy have been...

Everyone feels the tense silence like it was crushing them.  Mario takes a small step away from Meggy.

SMG4: Overtraining for Splatfest and have had too much time together since.
Luigi: (relieved) phew, SMG4, I thought you were going to say something much wor-
SMG4: (suddenly) They have been sleeping together!
Mario and Meggy: What!?

Mario wanted to vomit, but something kept him from doing so.  He was afraid that if he did, it might bother Meggy somehow.  Mario's reason: who the hell knows.

Mario: No. I do not sleep with anyone but spaghetti.

Meggy tried to stifle a giggle at Mario's attempt to cover up their "hidden" relationship.

Meggy: Yeah...I..uh....don't...sleep.... With....uh.... because......I... have STDs?
SMG4: (slightly disturbed) we all know that's not true Meggy. You've probably never slept with anyone your whole life.
Mario: (trying to back her up) I have.. uh... (trying to make up a disease)...uh...floppy Penis syndrome.
Luigi: I did not need to know that, Mario.
SMG4: oh that makes sense. Can't love the ladies with something like that.
Mario: (annoyed but relieved) sure, SMG4.
Meggy: See? There is nothing going on between me and Mario here. We are just...close friends.
SMG4: I doubt that, but okey-dokey!

The gang continues to hang out in the foyer playing smash bros. and chatting. Mario notices Meggy looking a bit down after the whole "accusation of Meggy and Mario being a couple". When Mario approaches her to check on her, she looks up at him, her eyes seeming to light up a bit. The slight shine in her eyes made Mario feel "different".

Mario: (thinking to self) What is this feeling? It's not of discomfort or uneasiness, but kind of like how I feel towards my spaghetti. What's happening to me?

Meggy: (thinking to self) I don't understand, just him standing there seems to make me have some sort of feeling. I just can't pin point on what it is.

Both Mario and Meggy stare at each other for a moment, believing that no one would notice. Until...

Bob: hoLy TitS. mAriO aND MeGgy HaVe bEen StaRiNg aT eAch OTheR fOr tHe pAsT 15 SeCondS.
Luigi: (noticing) Looks like we've got a couple love birds in the castle.
Mario: (snapping out of his trance) Wha- No! For the last Fu***ng time NO! There is nothi-
Meggy: (cutting him off) Look, there is nothing going on. What will it take to prove it to you?
Everyone but Mario and Meggy: (laughs)
SMG4: Really? You think we will fall for that excuse? There is something up with you two. Everyone knows it. (Talks to self) Even though you two are messing up my master plan for a channel.
Luigi: Come on Mario, your my bro. We never keep secrets from each other.

Mario knows that Luigi is good at convincing him to give up a secret. Especially because they are brothers. Mario remembers the time when they originally made a promise to never keep secrets from each other from a long time ago.

*16 Years ago

Mario is currently 8 years old and Luigi, 7. Mario is struggling with a problem that gets Luigi's attention. And they make an agreement that would forever change their relationship.

SMG4 story: A tale of Mario and MeggyWhere stories live. Discover now