Chapter 2

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Excuse me miss I opened my eyes your here in New Orleans. Oh I said he smiled well can I do anything else for ya he asked, can you tell me the time please he looked at the clock its 11:10am. Thanks I handed him the money but he said it was okay and drove off. I looked around wow New Orleans,I walked in a small bar and sat down what would you like the woman said hot chocolate please. The woman smiled she had blond hair,really pretty here you go she said. So I haven't seen you here before ya I started smiling I'm new here,well she said welcome to New Orleans I'm Camille but most call me cami. Hi I'm ho.....holly I didn't say my real name because when my aunt did tell me about me dad she said a lot of people didn't like him some even tried to kill him so maybe I should hold off on the whole hope mikaelson. So I lied nice to meet you holly,just asking how old are you cami asked. I'm 15 h,I sort of ran away from home to find my parents. Her eyebrow lifted up well then she said if you need anything you can come here. Thanks I gave her the money for the hot chocolate,I went out the door and started walking. I didn't even know where to look or start. I just knew the names of my parents Haley and klaus. I was walking looking down at my phone,when I bumped into someone. Sorry I'm always on my phone sorry the girl said I got up off the floor hi she said I'm devina hi I'm ho..lly I smiled. Are you new here she asked ya I am, she started to smile and put out her hands to shake mine so I shock her hand. It was like lighting bolts ran threw my body and I guess it did the Same to her. Wow I said what just happened,she looked at me strangely,umm well I got to go I said bye I started walking away. Wait I herd her she gave me her number call me we can hang out sometime ok I smiled see ya Devina bye she said. That was so weird I said to myself there's a lot of nice people in New Orleans. I was walking around just looking at the city when I saw a couple people talking,I was just about to walk away when I herd the name Haley I turned around. I saw a 2 men and 1 woman. She was beautiful she had dark hair brown eyes one guy had Blond hair and blue eyes with a British accent and the other one had dark hair with brown eyes also with a British accent he was wearing a suit.Haley I herd one of them call out let's go, I quickly ran up behind them far enough where they couldn't see me. I was just about to go to her but something stop me,so I decided to follow them they were walking into an alley. When they disappeared how did I lose them. It's a dead end,you didn't I herd someone say,I turned around and they all were there. Who are you umm Hi made a fake smile,I think I'm just gonna go. You didn't answer me,my mom said,I'm new I'm here to find my parents. Grab her one of the men said Nicklaus please she's only a child my eyes opened wide your klaus I said. He looked at me the all started running at me and everything suddenly turned black. I opened my eyes and I was in a different place where am I asked. French quarters one if them said. please let me go I asked him,they all just stared at me who are you my mom asked holly. Your lying I can tell he said FINE FINE I yelled,I will tell you they all looked at me my name is Hope I was raised in a small town with my aunt Rebekah. I ran away looking for my parents,there eyes widen it can't be my dad said, I here my phone ring,that's most likely my aunt I said he answered my phone then he hung up. He looked in my eyes and gave my the biggest hugged,tears rolled down her face don't cry I said. She hugged me my little girl is back,I've always wanted to meet you so why didn't you say something when you were following us. I was but then it dawned on me that you had given me up, what if you didn't want to meet me. My fathers face went straight so did my mother of course we wanted you but it wasn't safe here. Why I don't understand the tears started rolling down my face,I'm so sorry if you ever thought that. We love you so much my father said,so can I stay my father and mother looked at each other for now yes. I Made a huge smile and hugged both of them now we can be one big happy family yes love he said. I look at the other man he must be uncle Elijah hi I said he smiled welcome back hope. He showed me to my room it was lovely,I sat down on the bed and went on Skype KATIE I screamed in the camera. HOPE she screamed back I've missed you so much,me too sooo she said did you find them. Yep and there amazing like amazing plus I live like in a castle. Where do you live she asked me French quarters. So have you decided when your coming back no I looked away not yet. Wait Katie I'll be right back I was walking to my door when I herd all the grown ups talking. She can't stay here my father said but Nicklaus. No my fathers said I think klaus could be right It's dangerous here my mom agreed. What if something happens I would never forgive myself my fathers said,that's when Rebekah came threw the door. Is she okay yes my dad smiled and hugged her nice to see you little sister so she said what's happening well we might send her back with you. NO I screamed you can't make me I thought you loved Me I screamed. Your suppose to be the most feared person dad but yet your scared. Mom your a hybrid I starting noticing that things were shaking the cups and plates on the table.Hope your eyes aunt Rebekah said I ran into the bath room there were this weird hazel colour. I closed my eyes and counted to three there were back to normal. I closed my door and sat on my bed I have to call you back Katie Kk she said I sat there I herd a knock on the door. It slightly opened it was my mom she sat on the corner of my bed. Hope she said we do love you and I'm so sorry for all you have went threw, the tears rolled down my eyes you weren't there for anything I yelled I went threw mother day with out you birthdays you weren't there to get me ready for my first date. Bow that I'm here you want to send me away. She didn't say anything I saw tears rolling down her face,I'm so sorry she said softly. My father walked in I looked at him and saw the hurt in his eyes I'm guessing he herd. Hope we gave you away because we wanted to protect you,I know that I said but did you ever think of how it would affect. I mean aunt Bekah loved me like her own but still, You can stay with us. As long as it's safe I smiled thanks,I hugged my mom so what now. Well we have a party for New Orleans princess but we will hold on the whole princess thing he winked. We will go shopping my mom said. We got up and got In the car,so what are you into well I said I love to play guitar and video games I'm in 10 grade. My boyfriend name is jack,you have a boyfriend my mom eyebrow went up. I smiled he's really sweet ok and do you have any friends she asked. Yeah but I really miss Katie she my best friend I've known her since I was 2,she kinda was the one who have me the idea. Well she sounds great I grabbed a light blue dress with a black belt. It was slim at the top and when it passed my waist it got a bit poofy. Go try it in my mom told me. I went in the change room when I walked out my mom was speechless. You look absolutely wonderful, I started to blush thanks we are definitely gonna get this. Once we were done we started walking to the next store. I forgot my phone be back mom, I ran back to the store when I saw Devina. Hey she said hey I said. What's up she smiled nothing I said just shopping for the party. Your going to that she said Yeah ohh u should come. I don't know she said Oh come on it will be fun I nodded she smiled, okay I'll come I squealed Kk so see you soon ya she nodded. I walked out of the store my mom quickly walked over to me why were you talking to that girl she said seriously. Devina she my friend I said,my moms whole face changed you can't talk to her.

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