Wendy pt. 1

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Wendy (Kinda AU)

A/N: Angst about 2/3 of the way down.

"Wendy. Do you promise me you'll come back?"

"Yes. I would never leave you without a reason."

"I hope you won't forget me. As much as I want you to focus on your career, you mean a lot to me."

"You mean a lot to me too. I'll call you as soon as I can ok? Love you."

"Love you too. Stay safe out there ok? I know you'll make it far."

"Thank you (Y/N) I greatly appreciate that."

After a very long hug, Wendy gets on her flight to Korea to focus on the possibility of becoming a K-Pop idol. As you wave her goodbye, you just know the lack of her presence was going to be tough on you. But, as you had before, you had to adapt to new ways of life. It was just the lack of a very, very close friend that was going to be hard to accept.

18 hours later

----------------------------------------------------------------------As you lie in bed, waiting to fall asleep, your mind drifts to Wendy.

'Did she land safely? Is she ok?'

As if to answer your questions, a text popped up from Wendy herself.

Best friend/crush ❤️

Just landed in Seoul. More packed than I thought.

Glad to hear you're ok. Have you found the SM person yet?

Nope. Should've been here to greet me so I'm waiting at a nearby coffee shop.

You getting anything?

Probably just an Americano to keep myself awake.

What's the time difference?

Korea's 15 hours ahead.

Oh wow. So it's...3:30 PM there?

Yep. That means it's 10:30 PM for you?

Yes. How's the jet lag?

Despite all the times I've been to Korea, I still struggle to adapt quickly. I think I'll be ok though.

Good to hear.

Thank you. The SM staff member has arrived so I have to go. Idk how strict they are with phones, but if I have the chance, I'll text you right away ok? Love you.

Love you too. Good luck with this career of yours.

As you turned off your phone, you sighed with relief, knowing she was safe. Although you were worried for what the future held for her, you were confident she would be fine. She was one of those people who could pretty much fit in anywhere. With sleepiness approaching, you closed your eyes and let yourself drift off. You were looking forward to you and Wendy's future conversations.

8 years later


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