A Lucky Encounter (Jisoo X Male Reader)

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"Have a good night

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"Have a good night."

You bid goodbye to your boss before making your way home.

Exhaustion couldn't even describe the fatigue you were experiencing. You were past that.

As a mechanic for one of the leading auto shops in the nation, you always had a lot of customers. Unfortunately, it was also a store where plenty of rude customers, mainly Karens, gave the staff there a hard time. Your boss did her best to maintain a positive atmosphere every day but to no avail. She was a good boss. She actively worked alongside you guys and did a lot for the company. You were lucky to have a boss like her.

Today just wasn't your day.

You fixed the greatest number of cars you've ever fixed, you were on the receiving end of plenty of complaints despite doing your job with little mistakes, and one car gave you a nice gift of a face full of exhaust. It certainly didn't help that you were averaging 5 hours a night due to unknown circumstances.

All in all, a fantastic day. Thankfully your house was only 10 minutes away.

As you trudged on home, you suddenly felt a little dizzy. Dismissing it as nothing, you carried on. The feeling became more prominent as you began to sway. Vision fading fast, you tried to continue only to fall forward onto the pavement. Last thing you remember were screams before you blacked out completely.


Four girls were walking home after a fun day out. It was one of their off days and it was nice to take a break. As they were making their way home, they were stopped in their tracks by a large group of people. They rushed over to see what was going on.

In their sight was a young male sprawled out onto the sidewalk. The smart thing would've been to call an ambulance. Which is what they did. When it arrived however, they requested that they go with the person. The medical staff obliged. When asked why however, one of them responded with "He's my brother."



'Ungh.......where am I?'

An odd slapping sensation was being felt on your face. You woke up to an unfamiliar sight. Instead of your apartment, you were in a small room with a lot of medical tools neatly organized on a nearby counter. It was a plain, white room. You definitely weren't on a bed. Then it hit you.

You were in a hospital.

Why though?

'What happened?'

You tried to recall possible events that occurred recently.

'I got off from work and was walking home...that's all I remember...did I pass out? That's the only reason I can think of unless I've been kidnapped.'

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