Joy pt. 2

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"Joy? I'm home."

You enter your apartment and drop your bags onto the floor. Walking around, you notice she wasn't there.


As you re-enter the living room, you see a note on the coffee table.

'In a bit of a situation right now. Please don't call or text me. I'll notify you when I'm done.'


"Joy, I swear to God. What the fuck is going on?"

You were really tempted to call her and ask if she was ok.

But, respecting her wishes, you refrained.

That didn't mean you were comfortable though.



Still no sign of Joy.

No text or call. Nothing. You were extremely worried by now. She'd usually let you know where she was at this point. It was around 6:00 PM. You really, really wanted to call her.

'Is she on another one of her blind dates? No, she would've told me then. Joy, please, where are you...'

You decided to go and prepare dinner in case she did come home. Simple dinner for two. Alfredo Pasta with some toasted bread on the side. You had to shoot her a text though.

Before you could however, the door burst open.

In walked Joy who was extremely red eyed.

"Joy, where were y-"

You didn't get a chance to finish that sentence as she barged by you and went into the guest bedroom, slamming the door shut. Something wasn't right. You were debating on pushing the topic or letting it go.

You had to know. She wouldn't just ignore you without a valid reason. You walked to the door and knocked twice.

"Joy? What's going on?"




"Joy, you said you'd notify me when you're done. You never did, so what-"


You backed away from the door, astounded. She never yelled at you. You had your fights every now and then, but those were always civil. Voices were never raised.

Still a little shocked, you walked back to the living room and sat on the couch. To be completely honest, you were dazed. You didn't know how to act or what to say. Your mind was just static. Her words were ringing in your head and wouldn't go away.

Getting yourself together, you got up and walked to the kitchen to resume preparations for dinner. You didn't know if you wanted to eat after what had just happened.

A fresh pasta would be a bit of a mood lifter.

As you waited for the water to boil, you continued to mull over the events that had just transpired before you.

'Fuck, what did I do? I don't think I caused whatever she went through, yet I feel like I'm involved somehow. I want to know, but I have to wait until she's ok.'

As the water boiled, you got up to put the pasta in the pot before preparing the sauce and the bread. After about 20 minutes, you drained the pasta and put the sauce on top. You then put the toasted bread on the side. Garnishing the finished meal, you stepped back. Despite the mood you were in, you had to admit. This looked good.

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