Important Announcement

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Hello. ICW here.

You may be wondering what this is. As some of you know, I'm headed off to college soon.

That day is today. With it I realize that my time as author will slowly diminish given how demanding college can be.

That's what this is essentially. I'm taking a break from writing as a whole. I'll still be active here and there on Wattpad and social media but when it comes to writing, I don't think I'll be updating as frequently as I want.

And also, my mental state is struggling right now and I don't want to put out low-quality chapters that disappoint y'all.

Writing was always a way for me to be happy and stress-free. But a certain someone's birthday came up on Friday that just ruined my day. It's forced me on a downward spiral that has made me keep feelings in that I don't want to keep in but do at the same time.

Shit's hard man. I can't seem to keep my life together because of stupid factors I can't control. Nothing seems to make me happy anymore and all my in real life friends seem to have moved on from me.

Which is fine.

It just shows that once again I've fallen for a fake promise.

Trust me. I plan on returning.

I just don't know when.

It has been an honor and pleasure to serve as your author for five months. I have absolutely no regrets and would like to thank every single one of you who's followed, commented, voted, and/or read my chapters.

I love you all.

But it's time for me to step back and focus on myself for a while.

Writing was a way for me to fix myself but now that's not working anymore nor will I have as much time for it.

I hope to return a happier, healthier, better person.

Maybe college will actually allow me to thrive in creativity. Who knows?

Maybe my life will be better after all.

But as of right now, college will be my main priority.

I am extremely sorry to all of you who were expecting an update. I have let you down as an author and words cannot describe how much I want to make it up to you.

But mentally I can't. I just can't right now.

If you for some forbidden reason would like to stay in touch with me, my Instagram's in my bio. Don't know why you would want to get to know me, I'm just an 18-year-old kid who's struggling to keep it together.

But do as you wish.

Again, sincerest apologies to all my readers out there who were expecting a chapter.

I have two chapters that are in the process of being completed. I just won't touch those until I find time for them.

Thank you, and I love you.

Until next time.

ICW11 ❤️

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