Chapter 7: Hagrid

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"What did you write for the Transfiguration essay?" Olivia asked me.

"Bold of you to assume that I have started the Transfiguration essay." I said.

We were still in our first few weeks of school, and we already have loads of homework. Olivia and I were working in our dorm, I had finished practicing our spells for charms, our DADA homework (just a bunch of random stuff about Lockheart) and the history of magic essay, which is relatively easy when you stay awake for half the class, and your friend stays awake for the other half. Professor Binns really is a bore.

Olivia closed the text book that she had on her lap and sighed. "I can't focus anymore." She announced.

"How about going down to the common room to try and find Jacob?" I suggested. We got up and walked down to the common room. To my dismay, Harry was there. It was almost an immediate change from normal me to shy clumsy me. I put my head down (because I was blushing and accidentally tripped over my own feet.

Olivia noticed the sudden developement in my mood. "What's wrong, you are acting like you just did something really embarrassing and you are trying to sneak out of the place you did it unsuccessfully."

My eyes became as wide as they could go in fear that Harry would hear Olivia. I gave her a look that hopefully said 'shut up' luckily, I think she saw it.

She pulled me outside the common room and I became my normal self again. "What's wrong with you, why did you completely change personalities?" She asked, sounding genuinely concerned.

"It's nothing, I promise." I tried to convince her.

I think it would have worked, if Jacob didn't come out of the common room and say "Why did you look really shy and embarrassed when you passed by your brother and Harry Potter?"

"You have a crush!" Olivia partly screamed, partly squealed.

I became a deeper shade of red (even though I didn't think it possible) "shhhhhhh! Merlin you're loud. Let's go somewhere else to talk about this." I hissed at them

The entire way outside, Jacob and Olivia were singing "Ginny has a crush, Ginny has a crush." At one point, Fred and George found us in a corridor and started singing along. Once they were done, George said "So, you have seen Ginny near Harry I assume." Jacob and Olivia nodded their heads and I was red the entire time.

Once we finally made it outside, Olivia said "How are you going to get to know him?"

"I'm not, I'm just going to wait until this stupid crush thing is over." I replied.

"Oh hun, that is not how you do things!" Olivia said dramatically.

"Yeah, even I know that you have to try and get to know your crush." Jacob said. "How are you going to do that?"

"Ok." Olivia suggested "I heard he likes to see Hagrid the groundskeeper. You should go over and see if he's there."

I could hardly get a word in to point out that we just saw Harry in the common room and there was no way he could be at Hagrid's. The only time I could speak, I said "Right now?" in a worried tone. They both nodded and pushed me towards Hagrid's house.

I slowly walked down the rocky path, questioning my choice in friends. I really did not want to go inside because imagine how awkward that would be. So I just feebly walked around the garden. Trying not to get anyone to notice me.

Then I heard a deep, yet happy voice behind me. "Yer Ron's sister aint ya?"

I jumped, and squeaked "Yes."

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