Chapter 17: Crazy

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Ten minutes into Transfiguration class on Monday, Professor McGonagall told us that we were still having exams, and that they would start on June 1st. Just over a week from today.

I could see Olivia next to me sucking in a breath.

Jacob yelled "Exams! Really? After everything that happened this year, we're still getting exams!"

I could see a few kids in front of us look down at their desks, they looked very nervous.

"Yes, Mr. Grant." Professor McGonagall turned towards Jacob, "We are still having exams. The entire point of keeping the school open this year was so that you all could get your education. Therefore, exams will still take place."

There were more groans throughout the class, but McGonagall quickly silenced them and got back to teaching.

I started to feel a lot better about all the studying that we have done. I'm very happy that I didn't jump to conclusions about our exams being canceled. In all honesty, I didn't even think about them. I was always so preoccupied with the attacks and probably overthinking everything, that I didn't think about whether or not we would have exams.

"We're getting exams now Tom." I wrote after we got back to our dorms after all our classes. "They're happening a week from tomorrow."

"That makes sense, why else would you be here?"

"That's what McGonagall said!" I wrote, "Except she used more professional words."

"That's fair."

"Yeah. Anyways, now I'm going to have to spend a lot of time studying. Exams are in a week and I feel like I know nothing." It was late and I tried to rub the headache out of my brain. "I'm going to go study more. Bye Tom."

"Isn't it midnight?" He asked

"Bye Tom." I wrote, trying to make it look firm.


I spent the next five days studying my arse off. I had to pretty much relearn everything from the first half of the year. I still don't remember anything about how roses can help amplify magic. There are thirty something ways but I don't seem to remember any of them. I really need to study that one more. Who knows how I'm going to pass the Herbology exam.

Olivia and I would normally study together in the common room. We'd try to get Jacob to study with us, but it almost always resulted in him laying face down on the floor, so we've learned to just leave him be.

He's really going to struggle when we have to do our OWLs and NEWTs.

I spent most of my time with Olivia studying because I tried to study with Fred and George once, and it didn't go well to say the least. They spend a lot more time trying to turn all my notes into flying creatures than they do actually getting work done. Once they turned all the ink rainbow, it was very hard to read saying we were all sleep deprived and it was past midnight.

Poor Ron was struggling with his broken wand. He could barely get the spells working without making sparks fly everywhere. I don't think that will go very well with his practical exams.

The only good thing to come out of exams was that a lot of our class time was spent studying. Professor Flitwick let us work on all the charms that we had learned over the year instead of trying to teach us something new. Even Professor Snape let us silently review our notes for the most of the time.


Only time made my sneaking suspicion of actually being the culprit worse. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that it almost definitely wasn't just a coincidence that I couldn't remember where I was every time someone was attacked.

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