Chapter 10: Quidditch

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The entire school still thinks that Harry attacked Mrs. Norris. I think he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, but... what if the professors don't believe that?

He was at that ghost party the whole night, is our school just so needy for drama that they refuse to believe that?

I expressed this distress to Percy one evening. "Everyone thinks that they petrified her! They think that Harry, Ron, or Hermione must've done it!"

"Ginny, you know that none of them could've done that, it's really advanced magic for second years, even Hermione."

"Well I know that, but nobody else does!" I said angrily.

"It's going to be fine, Ginny, everyone will know the truth soon enough, Dumbledore will figure out what really happened." He sounded so calm.

"But what if it isn't fine, Percy!" I yelled, making a few people turn towards us. Lowering my voice, I said, "What if they get expelled!"

"Ginny!" Percy yelled, stopping my ranting, "they won't be expelled." he sounded very exasperated."Now if you don't mind, I would like to finnish my dinner in peace."

I shut up after that, and focused on my shepherd's pie. It didn't stop me from worrying about them all though.


As the Gryffindor team walked out onto the pitch, I cheered just as loud, if not louder than everyone around me. Of course, the Slytherins weren't cheering, but that was expected. Even the Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs were rooting for the Gryffindors, everyone wanted to see Slytherin lose the quidditch cup, and this game would start their losing streak.

The Slytherins only stopped booing and hissing when their team came out, but even when they were yelling harshly, three houses' cheers overpowered one's jeers. That rymed, I sat laughing at myself for a second there, but I did pay attention to the start of the game.

Madam Hooch asked the two team captains to shake hands. They did (rather harshly if you ask me), and everyone on each team was glaring at someone on the opposite. After a moment of tension, Hooch started the game with a whistle.

All fourteen players shot towards the sky with a roar from the crowd. Malfoy and Harry flew higher than any of them, searching for the snitch. As Malfoy yelled something at Harry, one of the bludgers shot past them, George following it.

Harry just barely dodged it, it was a very near miss, making many people gasp. George whacked the bludger towards one of the Slytherin players, but in midair it changed direction and started flying right back towards Harry again.

I was clutching my hands together in anticipation, my nails digging into my wrists. The bludger kept going back to Harry. Something had to be wrong with it, something was obviously wrong with it! Soon enough both twins were trying to deal with it.

I heard someone near me whisper, "What's wrong with that bludger?"

The crowd wasn't nearly as loud anymore, we all were either waiting in silence watching the bludger, or whispering and waiting, almost no one, was paying attention to the game, just to the crazy bludger above.

There was much more trouble with the bludger, which seemed to only target Harry. To add more to their troubles, it had also started raining.

I heard Lee Jordan say "Slytherin lead, sixty points to zero." there was a groan throughout the houses, except for Slytherin, who were cheering. They had way better brooms than our team, and it was really starting to show.

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