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Even in the pitch-black motel room, Zara could still see the outlines of slight shadows that would distort the items placed around the room. The chair of the table looked more like a person every time she'd glance at it, making her heart pound a little faster. The dark never used to scare her, but ever since she escaped the Community that has changed. Zara had not properly slept since the night before the raid. Every night she stared at the ceiling in the pitch dark thinking back to that night. Sometimes there would be tears, others times she would bite her lip to hold back a scream of rage. The night of the raids was a blur. She really only remembered Harper rushing her to evacuate as soon as possible and then her memory flashes to her watching as the Community went up in flames. Her home, her family, all destroyed. The emptiness she had felt started to consume her. Getting out of bed had gotten harder for her every day and eating wasn't really an option anymore. Sometimes she didn't even think at all, her brain would just space out. The only time she would feel even a little bit of joy was with James.

He would be there drawing in his sketchbook and Zara would just observe in silence, in awe that something so perfect could get thrown into chaos. The way James would laugh up a storm when drunk, the way he would rub his neck when embarrassed, the way he would hang his head when he was upset, she became infatuated with everything he did. Sometimes she would catch him looking at her and she'd get a warm feeling in her stomach silently hoping that he found her as interesting as she found him. But then the guilt would overwhelm her. Aaron.

Zara rolled onto her right side to face the window of the motel. The curtains over the mossy window swayed slightly as the air conditioner blew heavily. a single tear rolled down her cheek finally reaching the pillow and leaving a small puddle. Zara's brows furrowed as she tried to contain her sorrow. Her heart ached for Aaron. The pain of uncertainty of whether he was okay or not, the regret that she held for fighting with him that day, it all was just too much. If she had just packed her things a little faster she could've been able to run away with him, and they could both be safe. Zara let out a small exhale before snuffling back up her tears.

Aaron was never good for her, she knew that. They would fight constantly over stupid things and he would manipulate her into feeling like she was at fault. Their relationship was toxic but Zara couldn't leave. She was in love with him. She found security and comfort in their relationship. With everything negative that was happening in her life, Zara found that having a relationship was the only thing that made her feel normal. The feelings she felt for Aaron were strong and passionate and she felt that deep down he felt the same way. "All couples fight there's no reason to worry" was what she would tell herself every day. Even if they ended things, she would feel guilty and go find him to apologize. Then he would convince her to get back with him through manipulation. Zara knew this, but she was too blinded by how perfect he was. And once he was gone it hurt like hell. She felt as if a broken piece was missing.

She missed the fighting, the giggling, the kissing, the yelling, the secret late-night walks, their plans of running away, their arguments over little things. She missed every part. And now she didn't know if she would ever get that comfort back. John had never approved of Aaron... John.

More tears fell down Zara's face as she shut her eyes tightly. Her breathing became heavier as she sat up in the bed and hugged her knees. She starred into nothing as her thoughts raced over old memories about her and John growing up. He was friends of her parents who left for the army when she was little. She remembered how he would come home exhausted from work and would always try to brighten her day regardless of how he was feeling. The day they moved into the Community she knew that he was looking to run the place. John was a genius, a true leader, he seemed to know everything. Zara always admired his responsibility and mind. He also understood and accepted her for her ability.

Whenever he was tired he would never ask for more energy because he knew not to take advantage of her. He would continuously call Zara special and he would tell her to savor it, as she could accomplish great things.

Once he had gained full respect of the community he commanded that nobody would harm or treat Zara with the least bit of respect or they would suffer consequences. It turned out to be easy because nobody really cared for Zara anyways and she never really left her house. Everyone in the Community was bonded together by their hatred for the government and when they found that Zara had an ability, they labeled her as the weapon that would one day defeat the government. However, she never really liked the attention.

She would request to do things alone and a house by herself so that she could become more independent. John had moved into the big mansion of the Community but soon found an abandoned hut nearby. He then arranged some workers to clean up the house into something suitable for Zara in exchange for extra food rations. Zara then moved into her one-bedroom tiny house and loved every second of the freedom. She would never really sleep alone mostly because Aaron's roommate would apparently snore so he would often stay overnight.

At this time, Zara felt numb. Emotionless yet disturbed. She knew something was wrong and that she was upset but at the same time she couldn't cry or grieve. She just sat feeling nothing. Goosebumps rose on her arms as the air conditioning blasted against them. Her cheeks were moist from past tears and her nose started to run as she rested her forehead on her knees. As she sniffled, she heard the sheets rustle in the other bed next to her.

She lifted her head to glance over at James propped up on his elbow looking over at Zara as he held her knees. Her eyes were finally adjusted to the darkness to tell that James was concerned. They both stared in silence for a few moments when Zara grabbed the sheet and tucked herself in turning to face the window once again to avoid James' eyes. She searched the wall for something to make her feel better. As expected nothing could help her. After much reluctance, Zara turned back over to face James as he stared back from his bed with his head propped on his hand. She sniffled and got comfortable in the warm sheets and the cold pillow. James continued to stare back and keep himself propped up as if to watch her throughout the night.

Zara found it very comforting as if to say 'I am here, I am alive, I will protect you.' She rested her eyes and focused on her breathing as she felt James' warm gaze watch over her. With every breath, they would start to slow and she would eventually fade into a deep sleep while James continued to watch to make sure she was okay. There was peace and sleep among the motel room at last.

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