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Rubbing his gloves together softly, James leaned against the brick wall. It was snowing slightly in the city, causing people to rush across the streets into shops and restaurants. James stayed put against the brick wall on the corner of 13th street, waiting patiently. He shook his head to get his snowy hair out of his eyes so he could scan the area more efficiently. Putting out his cigarette, he switched his stance to something a little more casual. He could feel his warm breath vaporize before him as he slowly exhaled into the winter air.

His mind started to race and his stomach churned. Still scanning the streets, he tried to remember the address his father gave him to see if he was actually in the right place. After concluding that he was in the right place at the right time, he shoved his hands in his pockets and rocked back and forth on his heels. Over time, he would accidentally make eye contact with someone. His heart would jump and he'd quickly look down at his shoes.

They were new shiny snow boats that had never been worn. James was sure that if he didn't layer his socks, that he would've had blisters on his heals. A man in a leather jacket pushed on the crosswalk right across the street from him. James stiffened his stance and tried to scope the man out. 'Could this be him? Dad said he'd be tall but this guy is kind of short.' he thought. As the guy started to walk across the street towards him, he soon realized that in fact it wasn't the guy at all. It was an old friend.

"James!" They man said stretching his arms out in a hug position. James' stomach dropped. 'Really, Volt? Right now?' He quickly dropped his  "tough guy" stance and warmly smiled towards Volt.

"My guy, how have you been? It's been a minute since you've been in the shop." Volt said as he greeted James with a hand clasp. James scoffed. It's been so long since he's been at the tattoo shop because frankly it's too expensive.

"Man, you know you overcharge your clients, right?" James responded with a smirk. This caused a belly laugh to come from Volt. His laugh boomed through the streets causing multiple people to glance his way. 'Good job, buddy drawing attention to me. Right in the middle of a job. It's fine, at least I'll have an alibi.' James thought, nervously looking around.

"You know you're always bitchin' about my prices when your father could basically buy my whole business outright underneath me, right?" Volt chuckled, slapping James' shoulder playfully. James mentally eye-rolled. His father might have a reputation of wealth, but to James, it's all dirty and undeserved money. Plus his dad thought he should get a job in the family business to be able to support himself, causing him to completely cut James off until he could make his own living.

"Haha, I might have to take you up on that offer Volt. You seem to bring it up so often, it's like your practically begging me to say something to him." James decided to answer to get the conversation to end quicker. Unfortunately, Volt was the type to talk for hours without hesitation.

"Nope, nope. Me and my baby are perfectly fine where we are, thank you. We would be better though if you stopped by more often though. You're one of my favorite clients for sure!" Volt beamed a smile so bright it made James mentally gag. James knows he says that to anyone who walks into that shop.

"Well, if I'm so great, why don't you give me a special deal on my next tat?" James smirked. He knew he was being a smart ass but if Volt was going to continue wasting his time why wouldn't he have some fun with it? This earned a nervous laugh from Volt as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Oh, James. Always been a smart-ass! You're just like your dad-uh. Don't tell him I said that... You know I take that back. Very cunning. Yes, cunning like your father. Okay, well I should get going. Martha from down the street's newborn baby just got Reduced and she's doing a secret funeral for it. Shhh. Don't tell anyone though. Well, I guess that would be why it's a secret. Anyways, you have a good rest of your day Lil' Winters." Volt rambled as he slowly walked away. In relief, James raised a hand and let out a little wave to Volt as he scurried away. He probably realized that he'd been talking so long and he'll end up late to the illegal funeral.

James scanned the streets once again. It was starting to get really cold and he didn't know if he could stand to be out there anymore. Just when he started to give up, a very tall man approached from his right. The man towered over James had a buzzcut and wore all black. 'This has to be they guy, he seems so stereotypical.' James thought to himself as he redirected his stance to look more intimidating towards the man. He swallowed deeply as the man got closer, realizing that it was in fact the guy.

"Winters?" The man asked. His voice was so crisp and deep, it actually caught James by surprise. James nodded in response, trying to keep a calm demeanor. Was he panicking on the inside? Of course but he couldn't let that slip to the man. The guy did a full body scan of James, as to make a decision on whether he was worthy enough. Even though he was one of James' dad's clients, he was trying to actually hire James for a job. 'So does that make him in charge of me?' James wondered. The man steadily pulled a large orange envelope out from his coat and handed it to James. He quickly took it and stuffed it into his own coat.

"Get it done and you'll get $15,000." The man said, expressionless. James' heart dropped.

"What the fuck? No. I thought my father settled on $100,000?" James replied, very confused. 'This man is really trying to cheap me out? What a douchebag!' He thought, narrowing his eyes at the towering man. The giant man rolled his eyes and scoffed at his remark. Still confused, James furrowed his eyebrows to demonstrate his frustration.

"You are just a kid," The man got closer to James and lowered his voice so only he could hear. "I don't give a shit who's son you are. I pay my amateurs what I feel fit. Your father mentioned that this would be your first official job. I refuse to pay you that absurd amount when I don't even know that you can accomplish it." Wide-eyed, James took a step back. Feeling betrayed by his own father, James wanted to back down, to throw the envelope at the man's face, to finally escape the curse of his father's family business.

"The job will get done," James said coldly, trying to regain his confidence. The man locked eyes with him as if he was trying to read into his soul.

"It better. That's what I'm paying you for. Tell your father I said hello." The man snarked, turning away and walking down what was left of the snow-covered sidewalk. James stayed put on the corner for the next few minutes just trying to take everything in. He just got assigned his first job as an amateur assassin. He pulled the envelope out to look at it. Snowflakes fell and rested on it as James stared for a while. Flipping it over, James read the name on the back of it. This would be who he was assigned to kill.

"Zara Asher."

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