Chapter 18: Home

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Spencer's POV:
We reached home and I kept feeling my stomach for the baby to move. Rose runs up to me and asks, "Are you?"

I nod and ask, "Where's Cassian?"

Rose answers, "He's sleeping. How was the honeymoon?"

I say, "Great besides the fact that I'm back 3 weeks early. The tree house was amazing. We went to Iguazu Falls. I took some pictures. Sex was great too. We didn't break anything though."

Rose asks, "Really? Emmett likes to break things."

I say, "Emmett has a wife now and he listens to me. No breaking my house in Argentina. Where's my bitch?"

I hear, "Your bitch? You're my bitch!"

I say, "The hell I am."

We walk into the living room and see everyone and I ask, "Did they tell you what happened on the plane there?"

Jasper says, "No, Carolyne videotaped it and put it on YouTube. It was hilarious and your views skyrocketed. Hashtag Cyst-al!"

I laugh at that and so does Emmett. I ask, "Carlisle, did you plan to look me and Carolyne over and see if you could see the baby?"

Carlisle nodded and says, "Yes, we can."

Carlisle couldn't see the baby because of the sac. Everyone is divided. Edward wants her to get rid of it, Emmett is for it even though it could kill me. We are for it. Alice says, "If I could see the fetus, I could probably see what it wants."

I say, "Call my child a fetus again, and you'll see how pissed I can get. Jasper won't be able to calm me down and Emmett won't be able to handle me either."

Rose is pissed by Alice saying fetus. Alice looks scared and I smirk. I got Emmett to sit down and I cuddled into him and kept my hand on my growing stomach and I hold Cassian as he sleeps. I learned the wolves are in two packs now. Jacob, Leah, and Seth are with us now. Sam and his pack want to kill us and the babies. Emmett gets me what I need and Jake spends time with his son. Carolyne looks to be maybe a month or two ahead of me and should give birth soon. We have been drinking blood to keep us healthy enough to live. We have been talking about baby names and Carolyne decided on Renesme Carlie Cullen for my mom and Esme. My family has been more of a family to her than her biological family. Carolyne decided on Mason Anthony Cullen for a boy. It's Edward's human name in a different order. I decided to name our possible baby girl, Athena Ensley McCarthy-Cullen and our possible son, Asher Reed McCathy-Cullen. I ask Emmett, "What gender are you hoping for?"

Emmett smirks and I say, "You want to surround me with boys. I did a good job with the names though. Didn't I?"

Emmett kisses me and whispers, "You are doing a great job."

I smile and give him a kiss. I make a face when I felt a pain in my lower stomach. Emmett says, "Carlisle?"

Carlisle rushes in and asks, "Where does is hurt Spencer?"

I say, "Right around my vagina. Am I in labor?"

Carlisle checks me and says, "Yes. I need you to go to the room and I need to put a morphine drip into you to lessen the pain of the sac being ripped open."

Emmett carefully picks me up and I kiss Cassian's head and whisper, "I love you."

On the way up I say, "I love you too, Emmett."

Emmett says, "And I love you to the moon and back."

I smile and kiss his cheek as we get to the medical room. Carlisle set up the drip and we waited a while and I say, "I think our baby is a boy. Baby Asher. Did you know Asher means blessed or happy?"

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