0.6 - "Just don't leave me"

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Don't leave me, even for an hour, because then the little drops of anguish will all run together, the smoke that roams looking for a home will drift into me, choking my lost heart.

- Pablo Neruda



After my little scene in the bathroom with Josh and Nathan, I went to the park. The park helps me cool some steam, quite effective at times.

I went over to the swings and just gently swung back and forth on the swing, got my phone out and went on Instagram. I scrolled through my explore page. All there are depressing quotes. Like:

Is it me? Am I the reason people always leave?


I'm not the type to say I love you when I really don't. Cause I know how it feels to be left heartbroken. So if I say I love you then I really fucking love you.

There's stuff like that all over my insta explore page. After about half an hour of doing that I decided that it's best for if I go home now because one, my dad is coming home today and two, I never told anyone I was going out. I know they won't care but still.

I make my way home, kinda hoping the twins are out and mum is out shopping. But no that's not my luck. Instead, when I walk in I see Nathan and Josh sat on my sofa. Great.

I don't even acknowledge them, I just walk straight up to my room. "hey Spencer...Spencer" they called after me but I ignored them. I can't be bothered with people at the moment. I was left with my thoughts at the park, that's not good.

"Jesus Christ Spencer slow down, would you?"


*An hour later*

"Spencer we're home!" My sister shouted throughout the house.

"Wait is that your sister?" Josh questioned.

"Yeah?" I dragged on the end of the yeah.

"Well then see you later and before you say it, I don't care that she's 6 years older than me, she's hot," he comments, without letting us question it he leaves.

"Ummm so that happened" Nathan stated the obvious.

"Yeah it did"

"So what do you wanna do?"


"Then let's sleep" Nathan walked over to me, wrapped his arms around, me pulling me closer to him.

"Nathan no, I'm going to sleep on my own" I unwrapped his arms from me and started to walk off.

"Spencer come back, I wanna sleep" he called out to me.

"Sleep on your own then" I started to run away from him I ended in the back garden.

"Spencer get back here"


I continue to run away from Nathan and he continued to chase after me. That is until I slipped and landed in the swimming pool. Not very fun. It was cold and wet, not my ideal Saturday evening but hey nothing I can do about that now can I?

"Cannonball!" Those were the word I heard before a loud splash. I was wiping my eyes but when I opened them, to my surprise Nathan was right in front of me.

"Caught you."

"Mhm yeah sure" I went under the water, swam around him to escape. I know he's trying to be all cute with me and get up close. But I don't buy it. There's definitely something going on. He met me not even 2 weeks ago and then ignored me for a week, so he's only known me for like three days.

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