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Mikes pov

▸ Next Day ◂

I wake up, and stretch my arms. I immediately check the time, and notice it's 11:30 in the morning. Since I have to be in the park by twelve, I have to hurry up.

I put my clothes, and shoes on. I brush my teeth and fix my hair. I could hear my mom yelling at me from down stairs to eat breakfast, so I quickly run to the kitchen.

"Hey, mom. Im kinda in a rush so I'll just eat what ever you made while walking." I reply, out of breath from running down the stairs.

"Where are you going?" She asks me with a hand on her hip.

"To the skate park." I reply.

"Hmm, okay. Stay safe." She says.

"But will you be able to eat bacon and eggs while skating, or walking, or whatever you're going to do? Why don't you just take the car?" She says in a light hearted tone.

"Yes, I'll just put them in one of Holly's lunch thingys.. and I don't want to take my car, I'm going skating." I reply rolling my eyes.

"Okay, then." She says, grabbing one of Holly's lunch containers for school and putting the bacon and eggs in it.

"Thanks, I'm off now." I slightly yell, grabbing the container and placing it in my bag.

I get outside, and grab my skateboard that was in the garage. I start skating towards the skate park and smile to myself. I really hope things go well..

When I got to the skate park, I noticed it was quite empty which was what I wanted. There was only two people there, and they had literal scooters. Who the fuck even brings scooters to a skate park? I waited for a while, and soon I noticed Will walking towards me.

He's really pretty. The sunlight was right on him which made it even better. His bangs were almost to his eyes, and although I couldn't see his eyes well from far away I knew his green eyes we're glistening from the touch of the hot, hot sun. He was just perfect, from his personality, to his looks.

"Hey, Scoops Ahoy Boy." I yell as he gets closer.

He smiles and yells back, "Hi, Skater Boy!" His smile was really cute. I could probably stare at it all day long.

"So, ya wanna start?" I ask when he reached me.

"Yeah, sure!" He replies with a small smile.

"Just a heads up, I tried skating once and it didn't go well.." He says looking down at my skateboard with a worried look.

"Another try won't hurt, right?" I ask giving him a small laugh.

"Yeah, unless I fall.." He smiles up at me.

"I won't let you fall, don't worry." I reassure him.

I lead him to a flat area, and place the skateboard down. "First, you'll practice balancing. It's easy, just place this feet behind the bolt, and this one.. right there." I tell him, re-arranging his feet to be in the right position.

"I feel like in going to fall.." He says as he holds onto my shoulders.

"It's fine, just try to stay still for now." I reply smiling at him.

He ends up balancing pretty well, so now it's time for the next part which will be quite hard for him. "Okay, now practice shifting your weight. Don't move back and forth, just keep your body weight centered and-"

Will almost falls back, but I catch him in time. "Are you alright?" I ask with a small giggle.

"Yeah.. Sorry I couldn't do it." He giggles embarrassingly.

"Nah, it's fine. You did good." I reply helping him stand back up properly.

"How about we just sit down for a bit, and get to know eachother?" I ask him.

"That would be nice." He replies fidgeting with his fingers.

I lay on the grass, and he sits next to me.

"So, what do you want to know about me?" He asks.

"What do you like?" I ask, looking up at him.

"I really like drawing.. I don't really like my job though. It's just for extra money." He says looking at the clouds.

"How about you? What do you like?" He asks turning down to me.

I quickly look up at the sky so he wouldn't notice I was staring at him. "I love skating, and I like darker colors for my clothes. Light colors look horrible on me."

He giggles and looks at my shirt. "No wonder you wear dark clothes."

"What's your favorite color?" I ask him.

"I don't know, they're all good.." He says playing with the grass.

"Green suits you well." I reply.

"It does?" He asks looking into my eyes.

"Yeah. I think it goes well with your eyes." Shit.. I didn't mean to say that. It just slipped out.

He giggles and looks at the playground in the distance.

"So.. Are we considered friends now?" I ask, trying to break the silence.

"You tell me." He says.

"I mean.. I don't mind." I smile.

"Then, we're friends." He says smiling down at me.

I sit up next to him and look at him. "Don't mind my other friends. I'm planning on dropping them, but it's kinda hard when my dad wants me to keep being friends with them."

"Oh, the ones you come to Scoops Ahoy with?" He asks.

"Yeah. Oh, and sorry about my girlfriend. My dad also forces me to date her. He doesn't want me to fail in life, so yeah.." I quietly tell him.

"Oh, that's fine.. sorry about your dad." He says rubbing my shoulder.

I smile and look into his eyes. I quickly look back down to my hands and think of an idea.

"Maybe you and your friends can help me drop my friends, and my girlfriend." I smirk.

"Yeah, sure. Seems like a good idea." Will says smirking back.


Well, Well, Well, how the turn tables.

Please tell me if there's any grammar or spelling mistakes!

Started ▸ April 27, 2020
Updated ▸ Jul, 18 2022
Word count ▸ 1019

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