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Will's pov

I wake up and suddenly remember that today me, Max, Lucas, and Dustin were going to help Mike drop his friends.. and his girlfriend.

Today I had work, but lucky us, we had already made a plan. I do the usual, dress up, brush my teeth, and eat some food. The unusual thing I did today, was bring a bag full of necessities we would need to help Mike dump his friends, and girlfriend.

I hurry up and run outside as fast as I can. Mike was going to make sure him and his friends got there early so no one would witness our little prank..

Once I got there, I sped walked to Scoops Ahoy where Lucas, Max, and Dustin were waiting at.

"Hey guys!" I say opening up Scoops Ahoy and turning on the lights. I open up the back room and lead them inside.

"You guys have to be quiet when they arrive." I say quietly.

"Yeah, Dustin. Crack a laugh, and I'll slap your neck.." Lucas says jokingly.

"Shut up, you're the one that never takes anything serious!" Dustin says placing both of his hands on his hip.

"Whatever guys! They could be here any second. Lucas, get to your spot." Max demands.

"Fine.." Lucas says grabbing some worms he had picked up from his backyard. He hides behind the table Mike and his friends always sit at gets ready.

I on the other hand get the ice creams ready. Max and Dustin got their items ready so things could go fast.

Once they arrived, I was surprised since it was only Mike, his girlfriend, and one other boy. I guess the other friends couldn't make it.

"Welcome to Scoops Ahoy. Is there anything I can get for you?" I ask with a forced smile.

"Give me chocolate and vanilla ice cream with sprinkles, and hurry up." She says aggressively.

"Hmm.. Mint ice cream with gummies on them!" The other boy says.

"I'm not hungry." Mike says smiling a bit.

"Okay, your orders will be handed to you in a second." I smile.

"Make sure to hurry up, we have somewhere to be." She says rolling her eyes.

I get a cup and place vanilla and chocolate ice cream inside. I run to the back and signal Max and Dustin to place toothpaste and hot sauce into the ice cream where she wouldn't notice.

"Come on, hurry! Also, give me the cup of sprinkles so it doesn't look suspicious." I whisper.

Max squirts toothpaste in the ice cream while Dustin pours in some hot sauce. I add some sprinkles on top and go back outside. I try to make the bottle of sprinkles noticeable so she doesn't think I did something to her order.

I grab the cup of ice cream and bring it to her. While doing that, I give Lucas the signal to start placing worms on her seat and the other boys seat secretly.

"Where is Jeff's order?" She says annoyingly.

Jeff must be the other boy.. "I'm working on it, I'll bring it in a second." Before leaving, I smirk at Mike, and he slightlt smiles back.

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