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Sorry if I make u sad in this one :(


Once me and Mike arrived, I parked my car and immediately went to go get my bike. I was so happy that Mike wanted to show me a secret spot. I mean, that means he trusts me!

"So, where exactly are you taking me?" I ask.

"Somewhere that I love. It's really nice, I promise." He says with a soft reassuring tone.

Mike grabs his skateboard and starts skating down the path. "Follow me, Ahoy boy!" He yells with a huge smile on his face.

His hair was flowing nicely with the wind, and his eyes were shining so bright it could blind anyone who stares into them for even a second. It was like an angel had dropped from the skies.

As I followed him, he did some tricks on his skateboard that I had never seen before. Sometimes he would even yell, "Did you see that?!" It's really cute.

"It's not working." I say after he does another trick.

"What's not working?" He asks confused.

"You trying to impress me isn't working." I jokingly laugh.

His face got red as he looked back at me with a huge grin. He shook his head and looked back at the road in front of him.

"I'm not even trying to impress you!" He stutters.

He ends up losing his balance a bit, so he turns back to me in embarrassment and laughs. I can't help but laugh as well. He looks at a path in the forest and yells, "Shit!"

"Take a turn here!" He yells getting off of his skateboard.

"I'ma walk from now on. If you want to walk as well, I wouldn't mind." He smiles softly.

"Yeah, sure. I'll walk." I reply getting off of my bike and placing it on the ground. Mike places his skateboard near my bike and we start walking.

"Where is this leading us?" I ask confused. We were surrounded by trees that looked depressing, was this really going to lead us somewhere nice?

"It's a magical place hidden by a dark place." He says placing his hands on my eyes.

"What are you doing?" I ask extremely confused. I couldn't see anything, and we were walking through a forest. I could trip and get seriously injured.

"It's fine, I got you. I want it to be a surprise." He softly replies.

Once he stops, I stop too. "When I take my hands off of your eyes, open them."

I nod, and he giggles. I could feel my skin getting cold, I was nervous. I trusted Mike, but I didn't feel any more branches below me. Maybe he took me somewhere dangerous? I mean, he definitely looks like he does dangerous things.

"Three.. Two.. One.."

He takes his hands off of my eyes, and I couldn't believe what I saw. It was a sunflower field. The sunflowers were spread beautifully across the field. The grass was so tall, who knew what creatures were living in it? The sun was starting to set, which fit perfectly with the sunflowers. In the distance, the chirping of the birds could be heard. So could the rustling of leaves. It was soothing to the ears. It was peaceful. It was a great place to be with Mike.

"Mike" I whisper in awe.

"This is perfect.."

"I knew you'd like it. Let's sit and watch the sun set!" He says, softly grabbing my hand and leading me to a spot where the sun was visible.

"It's beautiful, I've never watched the sun set in such a peaceful place." I look at the sun, and back at Mike. He's smiling a bit.

"I come here when I'm stressed." He says looking back at me. His voice cracked a bit, and his voice was a bit softer than before.

"You okay, Mike?" I ask making eye contact with him. I hold his hand softly, and rub it slowly.

"Yeah.." He replies with a forced smile.

"I'm just really happy I met you. I know we've barely met, but I'm sure we're going to make great memories.." He says with a gloomy smile.

"Yeah, we will. I promise we will." I reply with a smile.

I stare into his dark brown eyes for a while. I then place my head on his shoulder and close my eyes. We were still holding hands. It was like a dream come true.

Three years later...

To, Mike Wheeler

We were laying down on the grass looking at all of the stars, enjoying the beautiful sight. My eyes started to get weak, and so did my body. I felt my eyes close, and I put my head on your chest. I felt so safe. I was safe. I felt like my life was completed being by you. I let myself fall asleep on you, because I loved you, I just had no way to show it. You made me happy Skater Boy, and to this day you still do. I just wish i had a chance to tell you this, but for now I'll wait. I'll wait until I can see you again. I'll wait until it's time. I hope your doing good up there. I hope god is keeping you safe. Maybe when we meet again we can actually have our first kiss. Maybe, I'm just over thinking. Maybe, you never liked me. Maybe.. you just left too soon. I miss you Mike, so much. I love you.

Love, Will Byers


The end.

Started ▸ April 29, 2020
Updated ▸ July 19, 2022
Word count ▸ 947

So, I updated this story. For anyone confused, there's going to be an explanation next chapter.

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