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Will's POV

My second day at Scoops Ahoy, it's been pretty good so far. Well, until I saw the group I saw yesterday. I had the urge to be rude, but I just couldn't. I can't get fired over some shitty people.

"Hello, welcome to Scoops Ahoy. Is there anything I can get for get you?"

"Now can you serve us?" The girl said aggressively.

"Can I?" I accidentally say.

"You're the one working here, so you tell me." The girl says slamming her hand on the counter.

The boy from yesterday whispers at her, "Chill."

"Just fucking order already, I'm starving." A boy from the friend group yells.

They end up ordering and sitting down at a table. Once I was done with their orders, I handed it to them one by one. When I got to the girl, she instantly rolled her eyes.

"Thanks.. not" She says laughing. She tried whispering the "not" part, but I could obviously hear it. I just ended up secretly sticking out my middle finger at her.

I enter the backroom and feel a wave of relief. I finally get a small break.

*Ding, Ding*

Are you serious? Shit.. I can't even get a break.

I notice it's the boy with black curly hair, so obviously I become nervous.

"Do you need something?" I ask.

"I don't need anything, Scoops Ahoy Boy" He says smiling.

I think he thought that was funny, but it really wasn't. Why did he even ring the bell if he didn't need anything. I just smiled awkwardly.

"Um.. I have a name, you know? It's not, "Scoops Ahoy Boy." I reply sorta annoyed, but happy since he was talking to me.

"Yeah, I know. Mines is Mike, and yours must be Will? I've seen you before at school you know? People say you're the smartest in our grade." He smirks.

"Okay, know it all.." I nervously reply. I instantly regret saying that since it sounds so corny, but it kind of suits his looks..

He smiles at me, and looks back at his friend group. They seemed like they were ready to leave. Well, I just think they didn't want to be here anymore because they hadn't finished their food yet.

"Welp, gotta go. Sorry about my girlfriend by the way, she's lowkey a bitch." He says grinning while walking away slowly.

After they leave, I walk into the back room and sit down. He has a girlfriend, which sucks ass. To make it worse, it's the girl that hates me. Well, what can I expect? He's cute as hell, and he's kind.

After sitting down and thinking for a while, I realized I was supposed to close down. I close everything up and grab my stuff.

Just as I was about to walk out, I noticed a paper on a table. I grabbed it and almost crumbled it up until I realized it had writing on it.

This must be the Scoops Ahoy Boy. I just want to let you know that you seem like a cool ass loser so my phone number is **********. You don't have to call me, but hey I recommend it. I'm like, super cool.
From, "Know it all."

I smile like an elementary schooler getting my first phone and laugh softly. I place the paper in the backpack, and shut down completely.

Once I got home, I ran straight into my room and dialed in his number. The phone rung for a while, but then someone picked up.

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