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Before you ask, I did get the insperation for this book from another called, 'Percy Jackson: Angel of Chaos'.

I remember the first time I saw Planet Chaos the first time very clearly.

Mostly because it was breathtaking. Also because it was the first time I had ever considered that there were other inhabited planets out there.

But the minute I stepped out of the swirling black portal, I was in for a rude awakening.

Chaos had agreed to grant me my wish, but only after I had been formally recruited into his army as his 'Archangel'.

When I had asked what that ment, he had replied, "Once you become my Archangel, I will grant you your wish. That means getting your powers. And your wings, of course." Chaos had said.

It was starting to seem like a bad episode of Star Wars around here.

The portal had deposited us in the center of a bustling city, full of pedestrians. Alien pedestrians.

I saw people that could have been humans, with oddly colored skin and hair. I also saw a little girl with a tail and fangs, and someone with tentacles instead of legs.

The people bowed respectively to Chaos as he passed them, and I got a few curious looks. Chaos led me to a stage made of the same material as the dirt seemed to be. It almost looked like obsidian.

He stood at the very center and gestured for me to follow him. I did with clear reluctance. Everyone had stopped to watch us, and I hated crowds. And attention.

Chaos' voice seemed to grow louder as he addressed the crowd.

"People of my planet, I have brought before you our Archangel-to-be, Nico di Angelo." Chaos announced.

I thought just how ironic it was. His surname meant, quite literally, 'angel'. And now he was becoming an Archangel.

Chaos focused his attention back on me.

"Nico di Angelo, son of Hades, do you willingly join my army, The Angels of Chaos? Do you swear to uphold your oath of loyalty and fairness until your last breath?" Chaos asked.

I nodded.

"I do." I answered with clarity.

"Then rise, young one, and accept my blessing." Chaos said, and I felt momentarily panicked.

But before I could say anything, I felt a searing pain in my shoulder blades.

I saw black spots, and dropped to my knees. It felt like someone had just pressed two searing hot knife into my back.

And just as suddenly as the pain started, I felt a whoosh of air and the pain vanished.

My vision cleared, and I realized that it didn't just clear. It sharpened. Refocused. It was like I was blind before, and I could just now see clearly.

My other senses had sharpened, too.

I felt different, too. Powerful.

Chaos and the crowd gasped.

I'm thinking, Oh holy shit my wings are probably like chickens wings or some messed up dodo bird. I'll have two useless, heavy wings and still be flightless.

But then my day got even stranger.

Because everyone in the crowd fell to their knees.

I frowned.

"What? Do I look stupid?" I asked and tried to crane my neck around to see my wings.

But Chaos snapped his fingers, and a shiny glass hand mirror floated in the air between us.

I snatched it and breathed an audible sigh of relief.

I had been afraid that my wings would be horrid things. Knowing my luck, they would have been pink.

But Tyche must have taken pity on me. My wings were black.

Actually, they were sort of pretty, in a crazy, demonic/angelic type of look.

The feathers glimmered a glossy black, and they were twice my size.

"What's everyone kneeling for? There just black." I said, confused.

Chaos smiled.

"Nico, you now take on the title Archangel, so I will address you as so. You're former identity will be kept secret, and it would appear to your father that your life force suddenly depleted to none. In their eyes, you are dead. Now, as for your question, are you familiar with the legend of the shadow fire?" He asked, eying my black wings.

I shook my head, baffled.

"It is said that one day, one of my Angels of Chaos will be reborn with wings as black as night. You see, all of the other's wings are pure white. The black winged one will be the destined shadowfire user, and heir of Chaos." Chaos explained patiently.

"What's shadowfire?" I asked, completely lost.

"Shadowfire is the deadliest weapon ever rumored to exist. It can burn away your soul, your very essence. It can kill immortals. Permanently." Chaos said somberly.

I laughed nervously.

"Yeah, right. Me? Maybe I'm just abnormal." I said.

"Prove me wrong, then. Try and summon the shadowfire. Just call it to you." Chaos said.

I wanted to shout, Yeah, cause that makes a lot of sense!, but instead I took a calming breath and spread my palm flat.

Alright, shadowfire. If I truly am the shadowfire user, then come to me. I call you here. I thought, feeling like an idiot.

Suddenly black fire shot forth into my palm.

I screamed.

Nico di Angelo; Angel of ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now