Order's Attack (Part Two)

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The Angels happy-go-lucky mood disappeared and we went into battle mode.

Which is a terrifying sight, if I do say so myself.

Our weapons instantly materialized at our sides, and our armor expanded.

Our armor is a funny thing. It all collapses into this tiny little choker. Whenever we need it, it responds to our thoughts and expands like black scales to cover our entire body, even part of our wings. Its incredibly light, but made of the same obsidian-like material we favor. Pretty neat, if I do say so myself.

I drew my sword, five feet of wickedly sharp metal that seemed to suck the life out of everything.

But before we charged, I bent down to the terrified Sunny.

"Sunny, I want you to run to our barracks. Go inside and find a man named Sanator. Tell him to rally the troops. All of them. Tell him Archangel sent you, and tell him to commence plan Alpha. Then I want you to stay in our barracks and hide. Be safe. Now go!" I shouted, and gave the little girl a push in the right direction. Sunny gave me one last terrified look before running as fast as she could towards our barracks.

Reyna had her eyes closed.

"Plan Alpha. We've finally reached that level of bad, huh?" She asked in a breathless whisper.

I nodded.

"Afraid so." I whispered.

"But if we go out, then we go out fighting. Together?" She asked.

I nodded.

"Forever." I replied.

Then we ran towards what was very our very likely deaths.


The Angels had seen many wars, battles, forces to be reckoned with, and horrifying things, but Order's army stopped us in our tracks.

We had seen monsters. We had seen alien monsters. We had seen things that would send you worst nightmares crying to mommy. But this was insane.

There were thousands of them. Maybe millions. Not soldiers, though. Just untrained, rabid monsters. Hellhounds, empousi, even the gorgons.

Then the Angels snapped out of our daze, and we charged.

Our battle instincts that were hard-driven into us took over, and our minds went blank.

Slash. Hack. Dodge. Leap.

With each blow, another monster went down. Two more took there place.

Yet it was like we were untouchable. It was do many years of training, paying off. We weren't even breaking a sweat. I saw lightning strike and disintegrate forty monsters, and I knew Sparky was doing her whole daughter-of-Zeus thing. I saw Siren once, singing, and monsters stared turning on one another. Shadow flitted from crowd of monster to crowd of monster, radiating terror and rage so powerful that monsters disintegrated instantaneously. Reyna and I fought back-to-back, an unstoppable team.

Campers fought valiantly, screaming battle cries and clashing, metal against claws and fangs.

But they were getting tired, after awhile. Their attacks were getting slower, their sword swings barely meeting counterattacks in time.

The Campers were starting to lose hope.

When suddenly, another cry came from the farthest end of the monsters.

"Twelfth Legion Fultaima!"

I caught a glimpse of a golden eagle on a pole, then suddenly lightning arched, disintegrating the entire first row of monsters.

Romans, in full armor, marched towards us.

From our left, another battle cry came, and women in battle armor charged. Men in orange jumpsuits and iron collars followed them.

From our right, a volley of arrows came, and young girls in silver camo seemed to materialize. Wolves howled, and hawks circled overhead.

Beside me, Reyna cheered.

"Twelfth Legion! Forma ordines perturbant!" Reyna cried.

I elbowed her.

"You're not praetor anymore. They think you're dead." I whispered.

But it was too late. The person in command–was that Dakota?–spotted Reyna.

Our hoods were down. Her face was clear and visible.

It was Dakota! Huh. Never would have thought he would become praetor.

Dakota almost choked, the purple praetors cape swirling around him.

"Reyna? But-but your dead!" Dakota exclaimed.

"Hey, I promise, if we live through this, I'll explain everything!" I called, slicing the head off a hellhound.

"Nico? But, you have wings! You all have wings! You know what? Never mind! After the battle, you both have a helluva lot of explaining!" Dakota shouted.

I ducked, and Reyna threw one of her knives at the empousi that was about to behead me.

"We know!" We shouted in synchrony.

And the battle went on.

It was looking out for us, for awhile there. We must have cut through half of the monsters there.

And then everything went downhill.

Monsters found our weak spots. Campers, Hunters, Amazons, and Romans Legionaries went down. We started dying.

My sword was raked out of my hand by some kind of daemon. I switched to my dual swords, and Reyna her knives. Siren's singing faltered, and Shadow moved slower. Sparky was exhausted.

We were losing.

Campers, Hunters, Amazons, and Romans formed ranks and defended the best we could, but it was only a matter of time until we went down.

Suddenly, the monsters retreated.

A blindingly white glow flashed, and Order skipped happily towards us, the monsters parting for her.

But it wasn't until I heard a voice so familiar and innocent that made my blood freeze in my veins that I was truly terrified.

"Put me down! Lemme go you stupid witch!" Sunny wailed and kicked.

Order held her by the back of her orange Camp Half-Blood tee shirt, a few feet above the ground.

For a minute, everyone was to horrified to speak.

Then anger rushed through me, and my vision was tinted red.

"Put. Her. Down." I commanded.

Order laughed.

"Oh, little Angel has taken a liking to this one. But I think I'll keep this one. She's amusing." Order said and lifted Sunny up to eye level.

Then the little girl did the bravest thing I had ever seen.

Sunny spit in Order's face.

Order shrieked, and almost dropped Sunny.

"Little wretch! I've changed my mind! I'm through with the little brat!"

Order's face twisted into a sick smile. Then she laughed, a sound that will haunt me until I die.

"Say bye-bye to your little friend, Angel boy." Order said.

Sunny's eyes grew wide, realizing for a split-second what Order planned to do.

Then Order snapped Sunny's neck and tossed her body aside.

Nico di Angelo; Angel of ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now