A Prophecy

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After a very long, antagonizing explanation with Chiron and the Head Councilors, we were currently bunking in the Big House's spare rooms.

There were three spare rooms, so we paired up. Since I was the 'prince of the universe' (I socked Siren for playing that card) I got the room alone.

I remembered Sparky's sarcastic comment.

"Though I'm pretty sure he wouldn't mind sharing a room with Dilexisti."

My face burned, and I was thankful for the cloaks hood.

Though, it wasn't like anyone was around to see. It was dusk, and I was sitting on the windowsill.

A faint knock sounded on the door to my room.

"Who is it?" I called.

The door opened, and a black cloaked figure stood casually in my doorway. The silver rim declared her to be Reyna.

I rolled my eyes, then felt like an idiot. She couldn't see my face.

" You know you don't have to knock on my door, Dilexisti." I said softly.

"Ah, considering nobody besides Shadow, Siren, and Sparky knows we're together, I do. It'd seem a bit odd to Chiron if he saw me just throw open your door." Reyna said and walked in, the door shutting softly behind her.

She sat beside me on the window ledge, and our wings brushed comfortingly.

"Its strange, being back." Reyna commented.

"I know. But I wonder who was immortalized, all those years ago. I haven't seen anyone we knew back then." I said, and twined our hands together.

"I don't know. But with Order's impending threat, our problems should seem minor. Yet their the first thing on my mind. I don't admit this very often, but I'm scared." Reyna admitted.

"I'm scared too, Dilexisti. But we'll make it through, right? We've been in tough spots before." I said, and Reyna leaned her head against my shoulder.

That's how we stayed, sitting on the window ledge with our hands twined and her head on my shoulder, our wings reflecting the glow of the setting sun.

Until Sparky came in, demanding her roommate back.


The next morning, I met up with the rest of the Angels and we walked to the Dining Pavilion.

The entire camp fell silent as we walked in.

We paid them no attention. Instead, we grabbed apples, bananas, pears, and a pomegranate for me, and walked slowly to the table where Chiron sat in wheelchair form.

Everyone gaped at us as we started eating, like it shocked them.

"Oh, come on. We're immortal, but that doesn't mean we don't eat." Shadow said.

Everyone continued to gawk at us.

Sparky yawned, and her wings ruffled.

"Anyone got any coffee? I'm beat." She asked with another yawn.

"Um, aren't you a little young to be drinking coffee?" The head councilor of the Athena cabin, a seventeen year old boy named Randy, asked.

Sparky shot him a death glare, her fingers sparking with electricity.

"Dude, I have been twelve for four hundred years. I seriously doubt that a cup of coffee is going to hurt me." Sparky said exasperatedly.

Randy passed her a goblet of straight black coffee to her.

Sparky drank it without hesitation, downing it within seconds.

"Now you're just showing off." Siren muttered.

That was when we saw her.

She looked exactly the same, and I knew she had been immortalized.

From her paint splattered clothes to the writing on her arms, from the freckled pale skin to the fiery red hair, Rachel was the exact same.

Reyna spotted her first.

"Archangel?" She whispered, and I followed her gaze to the first person we were to meet from our past.

Rachel the Oracle was sitting crossed legged, drawing something intently.

When she spotted us, she suddenly went ridged. Her eyes glowed and a thick green smoke curled out of her mouth.

Two boys rushed forward and sat her on an old three legged stool like they had been trained to do so. They might have been.

Then Rachel spoke, but it wasn't her voice. It was the spirit of Delphi.

"Son of Death, Daughter of Rome,
Reluctantly, shall they return home,
A promise kept, with a final breath,
And cheated again is inevitable death."

Then Rachel collapsed.

Nico di Angelo; Angel of ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now