Order's Attack (Part Three)

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It seemed to happen in slow motion.

Sunny hit the ground with a sickening thud, and for a minute, nobody dared breath.

Then, almost like a cruel joke, a glowing red rose hovered over her head.

Sunny was a daughter of Persephone.

That pushed me over the edge.

I screamed.

After that, I didn't remember quite what happened. Reyna told me later.


Reyna's POV

A black aura flickered around him, and a fiery black rage glowed in Nico's eyes.

Then he screamed.

A wave of pure energy radiated out from him, so strong that my vision went black.

When it cleared, all the monsters were gone. Disintegrated. We were surrounded by a field of golden monster dust that glowed eerily in the dark night. The full moon was the only light, besides Order, who glowed with a white light.

Nico was standing in front of Order, grasping her by the front of her glowing white robes. His wings were spread and ruffled aggressively, and he was literally glowing with pure black energy.

Order looked terrified, for the first time ever.

"W-who are you?" She whispered.

Nico laughed. It was a cruel, cold laugh that scared even me.

"I am Nico di Angelo, son of Hades. I am Archangel, heir to Chaos and Prince of the Universe. I am the shadowfire user. I am the second-strongest being ever known, surpassed by only Chaos himself." He hissed.

"N-no! I am much stronger than you!" Order wailed.

"You're wrong. I am stronger." Nico said coldly.

Then, almost so quiet I couldn't here him, he whispered menacingly, "I am also your undoing."

Then his hands blazed with shadowfire, and it consumed Order.

She vaporized and crumbled to dust with a single, awful shriek of angst and pain.

Nico looked down at the ashes with disgust.

"That was for Sunny."

Then his fiery black aura faded and the light in his eyes dimmed.

He dropped to his knees.

Me and the other Angels were at his side in an instant.

His eyes were closed tightly.

"Help me up. I need to get to Sunny." He whispered.

"Nico–" I started, but Nico cut me off.

"She's not gone. Not yet." He whispered, and I could hear the brokenness.

So I helped him up, and we walked over to Sunny, the other Angels trailing after us like a funeral precession.

Sunny was lying in the middle of the sea if monster dust, golden flecks caught in her brown hair.

Suddenly, a very angry son of Ares was in my face.

"Where were the troop you supposedly called for, huh? Where where they?" He asked furiously.

Nico di Angelo; Angel of ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now