Chapter 6-Who is this?

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We arrived at the hospital. We got Norman in a wheel chair and ran to the ER wing. We waited and waited. Mama was getting irritated. She got up  and walked over to the front desk.

"Um. Miss?",Mama looked at her name tag,"Miss Green?", Mama asked.

"Yeah!", Miss Green replied in a tone mama didn't like. She was a tall stocky woman  with black curly hair.

"What are y'all doin my children are scared out they minds and Norman is about dead.  where is the doctor? don't y'all do nothing round here?! All I see you y'all drinking coffee and shooting the bull. Now are you going to do something?!", Mama yelled.

"yes  Ma'am! ", Miss green stood up. She walked up to a door and knocked.  A doctor came out and over to us.

"Hello ma'am!" The doctor said,"What seems to be the problem? ".

"What seems to be the problem?",Mama said sarcastically.

"Oh well I see that he isn't well. I'm Dr.Cooper." he said. He was a short stubby man. He had a mustache and wavy brown hair. He wheeled Norman into a hospital room. He checked his pulse and blood pressure. Abnormally high. 

"Ma'am Norman is alive but he is going to have to stay with us for a while.", said Dr.Cooper

"Not again! ",Mama said infuriated. Ring  RING,"excuse me."

"Hello Anne!"

"Hello Rev.Jones."

"How are you dear? Any word on Norman?"

"I'm fine.  Normans going to have to stay in the hospital for a while .''

''Well that's to bad dear."

"Will you come to lunch with me Tuesday? I need someone to talk to."

"Of course deary!"

"Well see you at Tiebles. God bless"

"God bless"

" Well I'm going home. Hope ya' fell better Norm. Bye Doc!" Mama said as she grabbed us and went to the car. We drove home. We walked  in and the grandfather clock rung 12:00 am.

"Get to bed kids." Mama said. In four days it would be Christmas. The house ha  wreaths and garlands and trees. Mama couldn't sleep so she poured herself some wine. Then the telephone rang.

"Hello, Norman. Baby Come over. I'm bored. We could fool around. Haha"

"Excuse me. What did you just say."

"This isn't Norman is it."

"No it isn't who the hell are you?"

The telephone hung up. And Mama called Eleanor to babysit and drove to the hospital.

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