Chapter 3- Preschool.

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        Mama and Norman were going steady. Their relationship was blossoming, like a tulip on the spring. I guess love is like a flower, its delicate, But you have to water it with tears. Maybe tears of joy or tears of sorrow. Feed it with the sunshine of the heart. With those things it will bloom full. Without those things it will wilt and turn to a dead bush of thorns.

        "Anne, I have been thinkin'," Norman had started to explain, his thick British accent started to lessen after a year of hearing Mama talk.," You should move in with me and Ali!" 

        "Yes!", Mama said happily. We were always at Normans so it was like we already lived there. Ali and I were always together. We had become best friends. We were another year older, 5, when Mama and I moved in.

        "Ali wanna play in this empty box?", I asked.

        "Sure! haha", She replied. So we hopped in the box. 

        "Wouldn't it be fun to ride this down the stairs?" I asked.

        "Uh-HUH!", Ali yelled. So put the box on the edge of the stairs and pushed it and got in. 

        "wheeeeee!" we yelled. Laughing till we cried. But we wouldn't be laughing for long. 

        "What are y'all kids doing? Y'al bett'a nota' broke nothin'" Mama yelled, whilst cooking supper for that night. She walked over to find that My Grandmama's vase, the only thing of value my family owned. "WHAT IN THE HELL DID Y'ALL DO?! you LISTEN TO ME BOY, GO OUT BACK AND GET YOURSELF A STURDY SWITCH FROM THAT THERE WILLOW TREE IN THE BACK. IMMA GIVE YOU A LICKIN' NOW GO!" Mama yelled. Norman had came down from his office upstairs. 

        "HEY NOW! THAT BOY DID NOTING TO DESERVE THAT! This is the side tha comes out because of Neil isn't it?" Norman asked.

        "Yes, yes it is!", Mama cried. Norman went over to her and gave her a hug and a kiss. 

        "Hey, it's okay! We just got to work on that." Norman said rubing Mama's head. I walked in anticipating a beating, crying, to see Ali and Mama crying. Ali didn't want me to get beat and Mama was upset.

        "Kids, go your room please." Norman said. We did as we were told and went to the playroom. 

        "I'm sorry Spence! It was my fault I wanted to do do that." Ali cried.

        "No, It's ok. Look, I didn't get that lickin'.", I replied. 

        "Yeah, I guess your right.", Ali said, "Let's play." Meanwhile Norman and Mama were standing in the kitchen, embracing each other. They were swaying back and forth in the green checkered walls. Mama made fish and chips that night. After she called us down we said grace, ate and went to bed. We had a big day tomorrow, it was our first day of preschool.  

        "Wake up Spencer. Wake up Ali!" Mama said. Ali and I got up and got dressed. We went downstairs to find eggs and toast on the table. Norman sipping coffee and reading the 'The Georgia Post'.

        "Mornin' kids!' Mama said.

        "Good morning Anne. Good morning daddy.' Ali replied.

        "Morning dear" Norman replied. We said grace and ate. Mama wished us luck at school and Norman dropped us off on the way to work.

        "We will do fine Ali." I said reaching for her hand.  We would continue to do this everyday in preschool. Everyone knew we were best friends. At the end of the day, the bus dropped us off at home. Norman was at work still. 

        "Hey, kids! How was your day?", Mama asked.

        "It was great! We played," Ali started.

        "And we sang songs and learned about weather!" I continued 


       Author's Note- Please, comment of vote your opinions. If would mean a great deal! Please continue to read this is you enjoy! Folow for more! =)

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