You're Never Alone

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You ran into the school partially limping and holding your side. You checked to see if anyone was around, luckily nobody was, and collapsed onto the hallway floor in a ball of tears. You checked your phone to see that it was already 4:50pm. You wanted to go home so bad and just sit in your bed and read a book, but you couldn't go back out there, they were probably still there. You heard footsteps coming down the hall so you quickly wiped your tears away, it didn't help though since your eyes were still all red and puffy. You looked down trying to cover your face, hoping that the person would just ignore you, unfortunately it didn't work. "Y/n?" You looked up to see Thomas standing in front of you. "Oh, uh, hey Thomas." You and Thomas were in a few of the same classes, and you have been in a couple of group projects together with other people, but you hadn't actually met. "Y/n what's wrong?" He said as he sat down next to you. "It's nothing, don't worry about it. What are you doing here this late anyways?" Thomas looked at you with concern. "I had to pick up some extra sheets from a few classes, and quit trying to change the subject, what happened." He said with a straight face. "Fine. Some girls have been beating me up, and calling me names and stuff. They stole all my friends and now I'm left alone, so to answer your question, I'm here because I'm hiding from them." You sighed of embarrassment. "What?! No y/n your not alone, you will never be alone." He stated "How do you know that, I have no one." You started to tear up again "You have me, and I will stay by your side no matter what happens." You finally let out a slight smile. "Thanks Thomas." He smiled back and stood up "Now cmon, I'm walking you home." He held out his hand for you to take and you did.

You were walking home together when you turned a corner towards your house to see the group of girls that had beaten you up before. You stopped, causing Thomas to stop too. "Cmon Thomas, I, uh, know a better way home." You stuttered yanking on his arm slightly. "Wait" he paused "are those the girls that hurt you?" You nodded. Thomas then grabbed your hand and started walking straight towards them with anger in his eyes. "Oh look who it is." The girls smirked as you attempted to hide yourself behind Thomas. "Where did you run off to you little chicken?" They laughed and snickered at you, but Thomas showed no fear or regret. "Back off." He yelled at them, but they just laughed. "Whats a hunk like you doing hanging around this garbage?" One of them asked, attempting to flirt with him. Thomas just stared at them, until finally he spoke. "Garbage? You think she's garbage? Your the ones that are wasting your entire evening just so you can beat her and make cruel jokes about her. Y/n is sweet, and caring, and loveable, not garbage." You smiled at Thomas' comment, but you were starting to feel like they were right. Maybe you were just garbage. "Oh really? Did she pay you to say that?" They snickered in disbelief. "No, she didn't, I'm guessing it's pretty hard to believe that not everybody is a monster like you people." They all paused and looked at each other. Thomas then gave them the middle finger and walked off, pulling you along. "Thanks Thomas, I know you don't mean those words but that was nice of you." You mumbled. Thomas stopped once again and stared at you with confusion. "Really? You think I didn't mean that?" You looked down at your feet. "Hey girls! One more thing!" Thomas yelled over to them and they all looked in your direction. Thomas then smashed his lips into yours, which surprised you. You had never been kissed before since you didn't have anyone, but now you knew that Thomas was different. He pulled away from you and stared into your eyes. "Now do you believe me?" You nodded and smiled, and the two of you walked home together.

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